Subject Pronouns

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The subject of a sentence tells who is doing the action. You often use people's names as the subject. Theo subject pronoun replaces people's names.

Some that you are familiar with are yo(I), él(he), ella(she), (you), usted(you formal). Here are all the subject pronouns in Spanish (North American Version):

Singular Subject Pronouns:

yo (I) 👧
tú (you) 👧👉👦
usted (you formal) 👧👉👵
él (he) 👨
ella (she) 👩

Plural Subject Pronouns:

nosotros (we) 👬
nosotras (we) 👭
ustedes (you formal) 👧👉👵👴
ellos (they/them) 👮👩
ellas (they/them) 👩👵

There are two forms of 'we' in Spanish: nosotros for males or a mixed group of males and females, and nosotras for females. Remember that in the 'we' form, you have to be included in the group.

Ellos and ellas mean 'they'. Ellos refers to a group of males or to a mixed group of males and females. Ellas refers to a group of females only. (So it's the same as 'nosotros/as.)

We use tú or usted when speaking to one person. When speaking to more than one person formally, we use ustedes.

*Usted can be abbreviated to Ud., and ustedes can be abbreviated to Uds. Note that the abbreviations are capitalized.

*Usted becomes ustedes when you're talking to two or more people older then you, or at a formal level. (Grandparents, bosses, (other) adults that aren't friends, etc.)

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