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July 26, 2017 - 26/07/17

Edit: So I'm going to be adding the dates to all of my prompts so I'm extremely sorry for the sudden amount of repeated updates. please tell me if I copied somebody else's prompt! I don't do so intentionally, and if I do, please give me the link of their prompt so I can verify and change mine. Thank you! 


Imagine Person B to be that one disobedient child, the one to never follow rules and be the 'cool' one in their neighbourhood, and Person A to be a mother's favourite, aka the goodie two shoes.

So Person A is at the park with their friends, and sees this poor animal on the road. Forgetting the rule about crossing the road, they quickly cross to save it.

Person B, despite not really knowing this kid, literally sprints as fast as they can to push A back to the park and off the road.

A just stares at B for a moment, seeming shocked that the neighbourhood bully just saved them, while B just huffs, looks away, embarrassed, and mumbles something along the lines of, "I'm not that mean to let you die..."

Bonus: the road wasn't even busy, and B was unconsciously following A since they didn't have much friends.

How's your day? :)

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