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August 17, 2017 - 17/08/17

I just notice now that all the au's that I make are really sad

Another au that I've had in my mind for a while, but keep getting to lazy to create a story about (which is kinda sad since I actually kinda like this au)

Everyone is born with a tiny vine plant connected to their ankle. Every time the person lies, the vine will grow a little. You can't cut the vine, think of it like a part of the body. Every centimetre of that plant is connected to you. The plant goes, you do too. Once the plant reaches your throat,,, game over. It'll act like a killing device, as in it'll choke you. (Kinda like forbidden action bangles in dangan ronpa, only you're given more chances throughout your life)

Person A notices how Person B's vine keeps on growing bigger and bigger every time they say "I love you" to them.

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