July 27: Rough Sex

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Aha I'll give you guys what you want geez. I hate dominant Harry, but I've become semi open to top Harry ever since reading like a dom sub relationship fic where Louis teaches Zayn how to be daddy af and says that his baby can top him just to allow him to have that type of pleasure sometimes. BUT I SEE YAAA don't agree bc I got zero votes. NO worries, you're lucky I don't care about that stuff. So without further ado, here's part two with baby bottom Harry!

Apologize in advance if this seems too mean or non-con (I hate over demanding shovey horny characters and, I think I just made Zayn like that and I feel awful). THE THEME SAYS "ROUGH SCRATCHING BITING" SO THAT WHAT IM DOING

"So, Harry told me something yesterday." Louis chimes, swinging the tall pint over to Zayn as they're both sitting side by side at the bar. Harry's over at the karaoke corner about to dedicate his performance to Zayn and doesn't drink so it's just the two having a chat.

"What did my Curly say?" Zayn's eyes avert over to Harry who's heavy metal banging his head to pop music ─ making Zayn laugh because he's so damn silly like that. His curls bounce dramatically, his long limbs all like noodles when he sways his body.

"You let him fuck you?"

Zayn's eyes widen. He didn't think Harry would tell anybody that. It makes him feel slightly irritated that Harry would mention anything like that. His voice is apathetic when he speaks before sipping his drink, "Yeah. I... did."

"How was it, mate!" Louis slaps his back roughly and nuzzles closer to him to kiss his shoulder.

"Fuck off. It was terrible. I'll never let him do that shit again." Zayn says, "Like, fuck. Can't believe he told you!"

"Oh, sorry. Yeah, he told me and Niall. I think Liam, Nick ─ just about everybody from his phone book. Said you were so good for him. Crying out and everything."

Zayn shakes his head and getting up from his seat. He marches over to Harry who's still dancing crazily, waiting to perform next. Zayn doesn't give him the chance, instead, tugging on his wrist and pulling him out the bar. He gets Harry whining to let go so he does release his tight grip but he's walking forward from Harry.

"What'd I do, Zayn?" Harry asks curiously and Zayn can feel Harry creeping closer to him.

Zayn ignores him until standing right at their car. He turns around and gets his hands on Harry's waist to press him against the car against their car. He's slitting a leg in between Harry's thighs and grinding forward, his breath lingers on Harry's collarbone while he tugs his hair back. "You told all your friends what we did?"

"Yes." Harry squeaks and Zayn senses his nervousness.

"I would of been fine if you said just that," Zayn brings his hand to Harry's cheek and grips at either sides of his jaw, "But you lied to our best friends. Really told them I cried out for you? Did you see how I reacted that night. I faked it all."

Zayn didn't even have any reaction the several nights ago alongside from signing contently, besides that, Zayn showed no sign of pleasure and submissiveness. So of course, he's raged that Harry would lie like that to the people they're both close with. He's going to prove to Harry what crying out really looks like.

"I'm sorry!" Harry says, prying at Zayn's hand on his face. Zayn doesn't budge, he leaves his fingers pressing into Harry's skin and uses another hand to open the back seat of the car. He shoves Harry in with the hand still on him but now it's trailed lower to where his thumb presses against Harry's windpipe.

Harry's back is flat on the leather exterior when Zayn gets in between his legs. He doesn't bother turning on the light because there's a city lamp post radiating near by, and besides, he knows every inch of Harry's body so well. He latches his lips on Harry's neck while bottoming out, earning a moan from Harry. He feels Harry's arms around his neck, tugging at the strands behind his ears.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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