chapter 8: what now?

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I stayed there, paralyzed of what had happened.

the events of what had happened since we came to this hotel running over and over again in my head. but the last thing she said and done was the worst. 

She liked the blood I thought 

She freaking licked my mothers blood. What the hell is she. A ghost? a vampire? a demon? I was thinking too hard. I just had to get out of this hotel and find help. My mother had called the police a while ago, so they must be at least half way.

I stood up and try to get the door open. Luckily it worked.

I stepped into the hall and looked for that thing. I guess luck is on my side only now. I thought of my family, and how they died. It was my fault and I knew it. But I had the time of my life later on.

Right now I need to get out of this crazy old hotel, and find the cops.

I looked again around the hall. It was then that I reaized that I didn't even know which way I came from. I came to the conclusion that I am lost. 

Great. Just great. Now you're lost in this hotel Maggie. Do you want to get something else as bad to top off your problems.

This is the worst day of my life.  i thought for a while about taking left but then I ended up going right.

I walked for what seemed like for hours, but truly it was only some minutes when I came to a turn. I walked a bit more when I then heard crying.


no answer.

"any one there?"

again, no answer.

I started looking for where the crying came from, and came to a door on the left side of the hallway. knocking twice, I tried agin.


no answer.

I was starting to get annoyed.

Why isn't the person answering me? oh well. got nothing to loose anyways.

 With that thought in my mind, I took a deep breath and opened the door slowly and quietly. Just when I was as quiet as a ninja, the door creaked.

The crying stopped.

Now there were only quiet shuffling, and then it stopped.

I slowly went into the room. the room was just like any other room in a hotel. But there was one thing that mostly stood out.

in the middle of the room there were pieces of a body. The biggest was the head. By the looks of it, it was a man in his mid forties. He was cut up just like how my father and brother were...

I pushed that thought quickly away.

"Hello" I tried.

no answer.

"I won' t hurt you. I just want to help." I tried again.

then came a soft little voice. "Are you gonna slice me just like my father?"

"no, I promise I won't hurt you" i responded.

then slowly came a little girl out blood smeared around her little frame. 

Hey you guys! long time since I did anything in this book. Sorry I just had a writters block. God, those are frustrating. At least here is chapter 8. Even if it is only a small group of people reading this it still means a lot for me. I didn't even think I would get more than 5 readers. At least please share this book with your friends. Also i want to now what you guys think about this book, because it is my first book I've written, so please comment on it. It would mean even more to me. 




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