Chapter One

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"Mom, I'll be fine. Calm down." I huff, starting to get frustrated with her.

Her tear-streaked face built into a frown,"I know, you always are. I just can't believe your leaving the bird nest, my little baby, Skye!"

"Bird nest? Come on, mom. I. Will. Be. Fine."

She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me so tight I thought she would pop my head off.

"Dad. Please tell your so called 'wife' that I will be fine and we will see each other soon."

He crossed his arms and walked over to us,"Sorry hun, but I have to side with your mom his time." I look at him with hurt in my eyes. I was hanging by this little thread, which he just had to go and cut.

Dad joined our hug as mom was full-out sobbing now.

Ok mom, chill out. Don't go soft on me cause I'm leaving. I'm sure you were praying this day since I came out of that womb of yours.

I pulled out of our... embrace.

"Mom, look at me. I will never leave you on purpose. I will come and visit every once and a while, so don't think this is good bye forever. I will visit every chance I get. Here—" I pulled out a small picture of Mom, dad, and I—that was in my wallet—and put it in her hands,"now we're never truly apart."

Her tears increased and she looked at dad,"Gorge, I told you we should have had more children!" She pulled me into another hug and breathed in my scent.

We finally pull away,"good bye, mom and dad. I love you."

"We love you too!" They said in unison.

I grabbed the last two suit cases I had and trudged my feet to the car.

Off to start my new life. Well, to the boring part of it at least. College. Ew, I know how hard studying law can be—so don't blame me for not wanting to go.

I put my suitcases in the trunk, and get into my vehicle.

I put the car in gear, turn the ignition, and I'm on my way to my new house. My best friend, Tayla German, and I are sharing a little house down in LA. The house is only a few minutes away from the campus, which saves a lot of gas.


After a few minutes of endless driving, the little white house finally comes into view.

I was about to turn into the driveway, but there was a huge truck in the way. I jump out of the car—about to give the driver a piece of my mind—but I stop when I see Tayla talking to the driver.


She jumped in the air and clapped her hands,"don't you just love the house!?"


"God it's so perfect. It's everything we used to dream of as kids—"


"What?" She pouted her lip from confusion.

"Who is this man?" I am pointing to the driver in the big truck.

"Oh, I just called around—a.k.a my parent's—and asked for a few more bucks. And I kinda bought a whole house set of furniture..."

I squealed and jumped up and down,"that's AMAZBALLS!! I will never doubt you again."

She put her hand on her chest and looked hurt,"you doubted me? What kind of best friend are you?"

I laughed,"Yours."

She rolled her eyes,"whatever, let's just get all this crap into the house."

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