Chapter Sixteen

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Well well well. If your are reading this, you must know your petty friends are missing, yes? Well done. You completed step one, but can you finish part two? Part two is by far going to be the hardest thing you've ever had to do. You must find me, find your friends, and set them free if you wish. But be warned, each hour you cannot find us one will die. And I will make there deaths the more painful then the last.


"Who the fuck is M.P—"

Mrs. Parker. That bitch! I shove the note into my pocket and run out the door. I look at the street for any clues. I hear a faint shouting in the distance and turn my head in that direction.

I see a large van driving in the opposite direction as me, but the shouting is still clear.

They are shouting my name.

Who you ask? Well, it's none other than my group.

It's pointless to start running after the van, it is already a hundred feet in front of me. So I take the car and drive back to camp.


"What the fuck am I going to do?" I pace around my apartment, trying to think of a plan.

Ever since Mrs. P has kidnapped my friends, it has been chaotic at the camp. No teacher=yes partied. #1 rule in the book. But while everyone gets drunk until they can't remember their own fucking name, I'm stuck here thinking of a plan to save my friends.

A light bulb went off in my head, if I can't save them on my own, then I get other people to help me! A bunch of drunk teens VS. one messed up teacher, I think I can do this.

I go from door to door asking anyone to help. Most replied with a 'hell yeah' while other were still sober and decided against it.


In total I now have about 87/95 people on my side. I think I made some real progress.

I turn around to face my new team,"Welcome, everyone. Who's ready to kick some ass!" I fist pump the air. The response was a bunch of screams. "Ok. Now, we have to devise a plan."

"Yeah, we just run in there and fight anyone we see." A random buff guy said with an eye roll. He was actually sobor and still wanted to do this. But I thank him anyways, even if he is crazy.

"Ok...but if anyone gets caught, say you fought in self defence to get your friend back. If the police still don't believe you, I'll handle it. Now, let go!"

People screamed and ran out the front door, but we all instantly stopped.

"Wait...where are we going?" The sober guy asked.

Shit. I forgot about that. "Uh, I saw the truck going this way..." I pointed to my left. "So lets start there."

They nodded and screamed again, running down the road drunk. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten drunk people...

I ran down the road after them, screaming as well. There were tire tracks around every corner from sharp turns, and I prayed to God this was her truck's tire marks.

We rounded one last corner when the tracks stopped.

"What now?" A drunk person slurred.

"She has to be in one of these house. Split up and check out the three houses." I pointed the three houses on this street.

They nodded and split up. I took the first house.

I knock on the door softly, as it is the middle of the night. It takes a minute, but eventually a pissed off man answers the door. His eyes widen when he sees us all.

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