Chapter Three

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I stand at the front door of Tayla and I's house, prepared to face her wrath. I shouldn't have given away our money like that- at least not without asking her first. My hand trembles on the door knob, and I finally have the guts to twist the handle.

I slowly open the door to find Tayla sitting on the couch watching Full(er) House.

I sighed when I see her laugh. I know that smile will disappear soon.

"Hey Tayla." I have to yell over the loud noise of the T.V.

"Hey Skye! Have Fun!?"

I sighed. I suuure did. I walk over to the T.V. and turn it off, I need her full attention on this.

"What was that fo-"

"I spent the money, Tay-Tay."

Her face instantly fell,"W-What?"

"I spent the hundred dollars."

The coffee cup she had in her hands spilled as she lost her grip on it. I wouldn't have been mad at her for it considering I just spent the only oney we had for food on car repairs, but the cup landed on my laptop.

"Tab-Tab!" I yelled and jumped over to it. Yes, I named my computer. Don't judge, we've been through everything together.

"Oh shit." She cursed under her breath,"Skye, I'm so sorry. I was just shocked that we now had no more money and—"

I froze in my spot,"we have no more money? W-What happened to the 100 dollars I gave you?"

"I...I couldn't help it! The shoes were just so pretty..."

"You spent the only money we had for food, on shoes?" My voice was barely above a whisper.

"So! What did you do with our money, huh? It can't possibly be any better than mine considering there isn't bags of food lying on the floor."

I sunk to the floor. She was right, it wasn't any better. And now we're going to die from hunger...ok, I'm probably over exaggerating...right?

"I hit some guys car- it was a Lamborghini- and I have to pay for car repairs. I didn't have to 3k he needed, so I'm in debt. I have to pay loans." I don't think she was listening, but she still nodded her head after I said something,"What are we going to do? We don't have any money and little to no food left. How are we going to eat?" I just started rambling about our problems until she cut me off.

"I have a preposition. I'll just ask my dad for a few bucks since you last asked yours...and we put the money in a jar-"

"Or we can get jobs."

She stayed silent,"I don't think so."

"Why not?"

"Just because, ok!" She yelled, crying into her hands.

"Tayla, why can't we get jobs?" She was freaking me out...what did she do...?

She shook her head,"No, you can get a job. I was talking about myself. I can't get a job."

"Why not?"

She looked at the floor ashamed of herself,"I can't tell you."


She sifted uncomfortably,"No matter how bad I want to tell you. I can't. You would hate me forever."

"Hey." I grabbed her hands,"Nothing would make me do that."

She scoffed,"This would." Her hands lid out of mine and went to cradle her stomach.

I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands,"No...your can't be...Tay-Tay, when did this happen?"

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