Chapter Two

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As soon as I reach my car, I notice a note and envelope stuck to the windshield. I give Tayla a questioning look, but she just shrugs. I pick up the letter and unfold it.


Hey, your door was locked—so here's your money! I mean, I knocked, but you must have been asleep or something because no one answered the door. I got your dad to give up some of his money too, so now you have twice​ as much! Here's 200 bucks for you.


I smile at the note, then start squealing when I realize the amount she has given me. 200 dollars! I pressed the piece of paper to my lips and give it a kiss—my lip gloss smearing on it when I pull away.

"What did the note say?" Tayla asked walking up to me.

"I called mom last night and asked for some money for food—sense we spent it all yesterday on our shopping spree—and she gave us 200 bucks!"

Tayla squealed and grabbed the envelope that was also stuck to the windshield. She riped it open and pulled out the two 100 dollar bills. She handed one to me and stuck the other in her purse.

"Remember, food only." I warned her,"If I find out you spent it on anything other than the necessary food, Tayla, so help me I'll—"

"Ok ok, mom. I promise."

I laughed and stuck the money in my wallet."Whatever, lets get going to the university."

She hopped in the passengers seat and I got into the drivers side.


Tayla is going to Design school, while I head for Law School. We say our goodbyes as she jumps out of the passengers seat. I start the car up again and drive towards the Law School.

After a few minutes of driving I see the parking lot. I turn the wheel and slowly drive in the tight space.

I see an empty spot next to a really nice black car, so I take action and steal the spot.

I turn the steering wheel right and slide into the spot easily....or so I thought. The right corner of my bumper hits the left side of his. I yell a string of curses under my breath and hope the driver isn't in the ca—"

"WHO THE FUCK RAN INTO MY CAR!" A mans voice boomed throughout the entire parking lot.

I sighed, better go and talk to him... I slide out of my car and slam my door shut behind me, making my presence known.

I turn around to come face-to-face with an angry God. I say God because....oh my god his face. My eyes trailed his taught features, from his tousled blonde hair to his perfectly straight eye brows, and down to his striking blue eyes and soft—kissable—lips. His jaw was clenched as he stared at me with nothing but furry.

I didn't even have time to look at his exposed chest—is that even allowed at this college?—before he snapped his fingers in front my face.

"Did you do this to my car!?" He whisper-yelled, not wanting the attention on us.

I nodded once and took a deep breath in, trying to build my confidence—though on the inside I feel like crying until I eventually shoot myself.

His eyes hooded over with a murderous expression."Why?"

"Uh...I didn't see it—"

"Bullshit—you didn't see it! You hit my Lamborghini! It would cost more than your life to buff out that scratch!"

I peered behind him to look at his car. How did I not notice it was a Lamborghini! There was a slight scratch. It isn't that bad...Oh, who am I fooling. It totally ruined the whole car! But his words finally settled in, It would cost more than your life to buff out that scratch. I dug myself into a hole 6 feet under...

I sighed,"Can we about this later? We are going to be late for class." His eyes widened and checked his watch.

"You're right. Meet me at the coffee shop on campus after school. Then we will talk about the price you'll have to pay—"

"I'm not paying shit for your car."

"Like hell you aren't. You're the one who smashed it in the first place!"

I exhaled,"Fine. Whatever, we'll talk about this later. I am not going to be late on my first day."

"Yeah, sure whatever. I'll see you later." The way he said that last sentence told me he wouldn't want to see me later, as in the friend way. But in the menacing way.

I shivered and ran to the school.


Oh God, here we go...

I push open the doors to the coffee shop after school. I was immediately hit with the smell of coffee beans. Smells like home...

I saw the man—I should really ask his name—sitting at a table in the very back, staring out the window. I walked over and sat down. He didn't seam to notice my presence, so I cleared my throat.

He jumped and turned his head to look at me,"Oh my God. Never do tha again!" He whisper-yelled once again.

Despite the reason why I was here, I laughed. He also gave a slight chuckle, then recovered himself,"No, we are not here to share laughs. We are here to discuss the issues of my car."

I sighed,"Of course. But before you start, I just want to say I'm sorry—"

"I'm sure you are, but sorrys won't repair my car- will they?"

I rolled my eyes and sank into the seat,"No they won't." I grumbled.

"Now, I crunched some numbers and—" He pulled out a piece of the paper"—it will cost roughly $2500 to $3000 to fix the scratch."

I gasped at the numbers."You have got to be kidding me."

"Darling. If this was a joke I would be. But this is reality. So wake up and smell the new car repairs cause you are not off the hook with this."

I sighed,"Ok, ok. How long do I have to get the money in?"

"Till the end of the week."

"THE END OF THE WEEK!? That's insane! Who could possibly get that king of money in one week!?"

"Ok, ok. I guess that is a little about you give me small loans? Like, once every week you give me a hundred bucks?"

The money in my purse was​ suddenly burning through my wallet.

"That is...ok. Here—" I pulled out the hundred dollar bill, that was supposed to be for food, and put it on the table—"This is my first payment. Since it is Monday, I'll pay you every week on this day."

He nodded,"Fair. We will meet here after school, deal?"

I nodded and shook his hand,"Deal."


A/N: So, Skye dug herself in a big hole. What would her mother say...*shakes head*.

How will they buy food now?

"Just use Tayla's money—"

No, we both know she spent it on clothes or stuff for their house. Maybe they'll just starve to death and the book would end in the next chapter...


Ok ok, fine. I won't kill them.....



Have a good day!

vampiric_girl and deeXwale

We love you all our little ones!♡♡♡

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