Chapter Thirteen

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A/N, woop woop! We have another person to congratulate! 👏👏

Big thanks to.....drum roll please...

LeeXwale !!!!!

Thank you for your votes and follow! ~ASHLEY AND DEYNIQUE!! WOOP WOOP!


We are now driving down the road to find Mr. Parkers house. I just hope he didn't run off if Mrs. Parker did in fact tell him we knew about the texts. We got a warrant from the police that says we have permission to search the premisses and take anything that could give us more information on the case. And I will use the to my advantage. Because Mr. Parker is evidence, so why not take him...under custody?

"I think that's it. Right there." Isabella points out the window to a big brick house. She had the directions on her phone.

"Ok. Got it." Tristan pulled into the driveway.

I got out of the passengers seat as everyone tumbles out of the car. We had to cram in there so tight, I can't even tell you. It took a hell lot of work to even get this car, so I should be thankful. We had to walk hours down the road to get to the closest house, which happened to be Tristan's, to have a car. But it was worth it to not walk 10 miles.

We walk up the driveway and to the door. I knock loudly on it so he would hear us. God, he better be here.

Nothing happened for a few seconds, but then I heard a loud crash in the back of the house."Go check it out, I'll stay here. It could be a trap." They nodded and went to investigate as I was left here.

The door swung open to reveal a very sweaty Mr. Parker. He clearly did not expect me to be standing in front of him as he nearly knocked me out of the way. His eyes widened as he pushed passed me and ran down the road.

"IT WAS A TRAP!" I yelled to get I everyone's attention. I ran down the road after him with my team hot on my heels. We chase after him until I can't feel my legs. I know I'm slowing down, and all Mr. Parker is doing is going faster. We should have just gotten the car.

As I thought that, a car horn went off beside our running bodies. I look over to see James in the front seat of the car with the smugest smile on his face.

"Thank, fucking, God." I breathed, out of breath.

"Get in sunshines."

We all jumped into the car as fast as possible, me still in the front seat. "Step on it." I said, still slightly catching my breath. God I need to work out more... Mr. Parker was out of sight by now, so that means he could be anywhere.

He punched on the gas and we shot forward. We all kept a sharp eyes out for him, and I commented on James crazy driving.

I hit my head on the window when he made a sharp turn left,"Ouch, you mother fu—"

"Watch your mouth, remember, I'm the one driving here." He muttered.

"You won't be driving if I shoot you first." I whispered. He purposely went around the block so he could make more sharp turns left. I cursed each time, and he just continued to laugh. "Ok! Ok! I get it. Stop giving me whiplashes."

His eyes widened,"Oh, shit. did I really give you a whiplash?"

I chuckled,"No, but you could have."

He nodded once,"Sorry. We have to find this guy anyways." He slows his speed down and is now easier around corners.

"That's him!" Jessica points furiously at a Mr. Parker running down the street. James pulls over till he's right besides him

"Hey, mate? Wanna have a chat?" Mr. Parker doesn't encourage him, he just keeps running."Come on, I just wanna talk." Mr. Parker smirks and stops his run. He then turns around and runs the opposite direction."That son of a bitch." James curses and pulls the gear shift to turn around.

We follow him down the road once again. "I'm jumping out, slow down." Luke said.

I turn around to look at him,"What? No! Are you crazy!" The people around me must think I don't want him being hurt, well, I don't. But he knows why he can't be out there with him,"I'll go instead."

He nodded once and James slowed the car down.

I open my door and take a deep breath,"Please don't break anything" I silently pray.

I jump out of the car and the door shuts behind me. I roll on my stomach down the road until I regain balance. I quickly stand up and run for Mr. Parker.

He was now walking, heaving up and down to catch his breath. The small car wasn't here anymore, so he wouldn't​ know I was following him. He walks into the closest alie and turns around when he eventually hears me.

He smiled wickedly, but honestly. It just made me sick,"I see you figured everything out." He praised.

I shrugged,"Mostly."

He clapped slowly,"God job. But now I have to finish it." He jumps at me.

I fall to the ground with him on top of me. He punches me in the face twice, but I stop him on the third blow. I catch his fist in my hand, and I won't lie it hurt like hell.

With my knee, I drag it up and knee him where it hurts. He doubles over in pain and grunts."jeez, if you wanted to touch me down there you could have at least taken me on a date first." He wheezed between breaths.

I stand off the ground and kick him in the stomach.



And again.

He eventually has enough and trips me with his calf. I scream and fall to the floor. He drags me further into the alie,"I will finish the job." He grunted.

I kick him in the face with my other foot, but he just holds both feet. My eyes widened. There was no way out.

Then, suddenly, he falls to the floor. What the heck...

I look behind his body to see Tristan holding a brick. Oh my God.

I jump up and capture him in a hug. He almost falls over, but catches himself."woah, there."

"Thank you!" I kiss his cheek. He blushes and looks away.

"No problem. That's what a team is for, right?" I smile and pull away.


I look down at Mr. Parker's passed out form. He'll be fine. But that's what scares me. We can't have him roaming the streets.

I pull my phone out.

"What are you doing?" Tristan asked.

"Calling and ambulance. But don't worry, we won't get in trouble. All this was in self defense, we just have to explain this."

He nodded and me call them.


By his point the ambulances are leaving and the team and I are going home. The cops clarified we were innocent and let us go home. That's the only thing I want to be doing now.

Once we reach home I plop own on my bed and fall asleep, I haven't been sleeping a whole lot lately anyways. Plus, I almost died today. Speaking of which, I have a bruise on my right cheek and my left hand is sprained from catching Mr. Parker's fist. My ankles are a little swollen from him holding them so tightly, but I'll be fine. Luckily.


A/N, sorry! That fight scene was terrible. Isn't not my forte. But I hope you enjoyed anyways! ~Ashley and Deynique.

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