Food? Food!

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Sam waved, then left my hair. The pair zoomed off, leaving only a thin stream of bubbles to show that they were there.

Jack's POV:

I can't believe I had to leave Mark in the alley. Alone. This is probably deathly terrifying to him. I knew it was a cruel thing to do, but I knew it would be worse for my parents to find someone randomly hanging out with me in bed. Afterall, they still think I'm sleeping. Knowing them, they'd jump to the conclusion of that Mark and me... Yeah. I just need to get back in my bed before they go to wake me up.

Sam and I hastily made it to the entrance of the castle. I quickly cast an invisibility spell on myself and Sam used their own magic to cloak themselves. I slowly opened the entrance door, taking extra caution to make sure it didn't creak loudly. I maneuvered around the servants, making sure to not touch them. Just because I was invisible it didn't mean that I still wouldn't react to anything. If I were to bump into one, then they and I would feel it. I didn't have the time to deal with that.

Almost there! You can do this! When racing in the hallway, I saw my parents getting ready to "wake" me up. Shit, shite, shite! I sped past them, knowing that I was almost in the clear. Past a few more hallways, Sam and I arrived at my bedroom.

Thank fock! Sam hid under my bed and I tucked myself under my blanket. I could hear my parents arriving, so I quickly pretended to be sleeping. The door slowly opened, which revealed my parents.

Ma placed her hand on my shoulder, which caused me to slightly flinch. She seemed to not notice or chose to ignore it. Usually, Ma and Father were kinder in the morning, but you could never know what could happen. One bad move and there would be a brutal punishment.

"Time to wake up Seán," Ma whispered into my ear. At times like this, it would feel as if I had normal parents. These moments would be what I wish would last forever.

"Ok..." I groggily replied. I literally rolled off the bed and landed face-first on the floor. Ma stifled a laugh and Father tried his best not to smile.

"Breakfast is ready, come down and grab it when you're ready. Your mother and I have duties to do today, so we won't be around until twilight. Farewell Seán." Father said to me, then swam away, with Ma following him.

Oh, how I hate it when they call me Seán. The name Seán sounds like it belongs to an obedient coward. Seán is the type of person I hate. Some self-obsessed dick. A rich prick would also be a great description.

       Jack, on the other hand, sounds like an adventurous and brave guy. I only allow people I like to call me by Jack. I feel it to be unnecessary to introduce myself as Seán. Hell, it even makes me cringe whenever I say it out loud! That's kinda the reason why I didn't tell Mark my "real" name. Not because I didn't want him to know, it's just because I found it to be unnecessary.

I pushed myself off the floor and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and hair quickly, just wanting to be done with it. I have to get back to Mark as soon as possible.

I swam down the corridors, occasionally saying the typical "Hello" to the servants. I kind of pity them, I've seen the work they have to do around the place. It's not pretty. Or easy.

I eventually made it to the dining hall. I asked the Royal Chef to make some tossed shrimp and lobster for breakfast.

"To here or to go?" the Royal Chef asked.

"To go please," I responded.

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