Chapter 13

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Author's P.O.V

Sky walked side by side with Liam, looking at his huge bare back. His shoulder blades were prominent and strong. She had taken a look at his sculpted chest when all the overwhelming feelings had subsided and she wasn't surprised to find an eight-pack.

It had been some time since they were walking and until now Sky hadn't even realized how deep she had run. Her feet were hurting and it didn't help that neither of them was wearing shoes but she didn't hear Liam complain.

"Can we take a break?" Sky asks and Liam doesn't answer as he continued to walk.

He had been in his head quite a lot and it was having its toll on her. When you be nice to someone minutes ago, you don't just ignore them later on. This should be a crime!

But that would be absurd.

Sky wanted to stop but she wasn't going to get lost. Hell no. The sun had set and Sky could hear thunder indicating it would rain soon and before that happens she would most probably like to be under a roof. However the thought of being under the same roof as many animals weren't as inviting as she would have wanted it to be.

Not that she had a choice. It was either this or Liam dragging her there. So she chose the more reasonable option, which was the only option.

After a few more minutes, Sky's feet couldn't take it anymore, so she tried once again to bring Liam out of his thoughts.

"Liam?" She whispers.

No response.

"Liam. I'm tired." She says but still no response.

Finally, she reaches and touches his shoulder causing his head to jerk as he moves it left and right.

Finally, his eyes land on her.

"Is there anything you want?" He asks and Sky's heart began to beat faster to her surprise.

"I-I was wondering how more long we have to walk. I'm just tired." She says nervously waiting for a reaction. However, it was so dark that even if she got one, she could never see one.

"We're already there." He says and he was right because now Sky could see the forest thinning and faint luminous orange light a distance away but all of a sudden she tensed.

It was neither because of the thunder nor because of facing the people in her dirty attire, rather it was the rustling she heard behind her.

"Come on." Liam says when he notices she stopped walking.

"Did you hear that?" Sky asks.

Surely he must have, he has magnified abilities.

"What?" He asks and turns toward Sky who heard the faint rustling again, causing her to turn towards it.

"That! It was there again! Did you hear it too?" Sky says turning to him but Liam couldn't hear anything.

How come?


Liam's eyes quickly roamed around his surrounding landing on the tree beside Sky, where the outline of a man could be seen. 

Liam quickly grabbed Sky just as the figure walked out from behind the tree.

Sky could see nothing in the darkness but Liam's back, which was shielding her from view. She could hear the clinking of chains as the stranger's feet collided with the ground while walking.

"It took you long enough Kane. Was this girl's​ presence so distracting? Hmm? I've to admit even the human is more valiant than you, at least she pays attention. Might I have a glimpse of her beauty?" The stranger asks. His voice was extremely posh but sickly sweet and low causing Sky to shudder.

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