Chapter 34

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A person does not live with the fire of revenge in him ... he simply dies


Author's P.O.V

Sky's head was aching as she slowly opened her eyes and looked at the white ceiling.

She felt cold even though there was a blanket on top of her. It didn't take her long to recognize the room as the one she had woken up earlier. She didn't remember how or when she had gotten here. The last thing she remembered was Adam's headless body. It was disgusting sight making her want to puke all over.

Everything felt fuzzy as Sky tried to move her hand so she could rub her eyes, but realization soon hit her that they were shackled to the bedpost. There was a blood drip attached to one of her hands but the blood looked black and sluggish, making her wonder if that was blood at all, maybe it was poison but then she would have never woken up if that was the case.

Sky wanted to scream for help but her throat was dry.

She needed to get out of there. She just needed to.

But how? Even her movements were restrained. How could she pull off such a big stunt knowing the consequences of getting caught? However one thing was for sure, she could not be a sitting duck and let them kill her.

She wasn't going to let this happen.

Sky turned her head towards the window and wasn't pleased to see the grey clouds covering the sun. She could use some warmth and some daylight would have been a great guidance.

Sky was brought back from her thoughts as soon as she heard footsteps. The footsteps began to get louder and louder until they stopped right outside her room, unlocking.

Sky looked at the person and saw it was the familiar blonde haired guy.

"You know love, I would have felt quite sorry for you if your mate wasn't a bastard." The guy said as he approached her and Sky didn't reply even though she wanted to say that it wasn't her fault that fate paired her up with Liam.

"Oh, I see you're ignoring me. But let me tell you that you might like my company. Silence, when paired with loneliness, can be quite....nerve-racking." He said and Sky still didn't reply. The guy leaned while putting the key into locks, that chained her hands to the bedpost.

With a swish of his hand, the chains unlocked and Sky sighed in relief as he removed them from her hands and threw them across the room while going to the stand which had the drip.

He grabbed her hand to which the tube of the drip was attached.

"This might hurt a bit." He said and before Sky could say a word, he ripped the tube out of her hand, causing Sky to take in a sharp breath.

That was painful.

Sky looked at him as he grabbed the band-aid and placed it on top of the puncture. Maybe making a friend could help her out of here.

Perhaps he could be that friend.

"Thank you." Sky said and the guy looked at her.

"Finally decided to talk huh?" He said not looking at her as he grabbed a bunch of clothing and placed them on the bed.

"I-I don't l-like to talk much." Sky replied not wanting to give him the wrong impression.

"I noticed. Now, get up and get dressed. Master will be here in a few minutes to have a word with you." The guy said and Sky just nodded and looked at him, as the guy began to make his way to the door.

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