My Rules, My Game

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Hey! So quick little note about this chapter it's going to be split into 2 parts. So this will be the beginning part of conflict and the second half (being posted tomorrow) will be what happens after this chapter. When I was writing, the chapter, it felt incomplete to be a single chapter by itself but there was a lot of drama so I decided to split it into half. Wow that was a super long explanation, anyway please enjoy the story!

"Flashlight. Check. Black Clothes. Check. Tennis Ball. Check." Ghost, Kim ,and Lucinda went over the materials they were going to use when they reached Starlights border. "Uhh Lucinda why would we need tennis balls?" Kim asked. "If we need to distract them to get away we throw them in the opposite direction" Lucinda said putting on a black hoodie.

"This is shady, even for me" Ghost remarked.
"I'm beginning to question why we are even going to these lengths to see if Aaron's cheating. I mean we should've given up a long time ago" Kim said.

"Really Darling? Only NOW your questioning why we're doing this?" Ghost said. "And I thought you were one of the smart ones" Ghost frowned.

"At least I don't have a crush on the most introverted person on the planet!" Kim shouted  at herself. "At least I wasn't a shy potato who couldn't utter a word in high school!"

"QUIET! The both of you!" Lucinda shouted at the both of them. You could tell she was frustrated. "Look by the end of the day we'll know whether or not Aaron's doing something shady" she stated.

"Hmm fine, after today I'm enjoying the rest of my vacation" Ghost remarked walking away to get the rest of the supplies. "Fine by me" Lucinda mumbled.

"Guys it's 1:20 if we wanna get on top of that shack get a better view we better head out now" Kim said. "It's now or never" Lucinda said.


1:30. Time to go. Aaron very quietly got out of bed. He couldn't make any noise to alert Aphmau that he was leaving. He had managed to get all the way across the room to the door.

He had his hand on the knob, just about to turn it, Aphmau woke up in a daze. "Aaron where are you going?" She mumbled still half asleep.

"Uhh I'm going to get cupcakes!" He said nervously. "Make sure to get me a vanilla one" she said going back to sleep. He looked at back at her. Aph had promised she wouldn't eat chocolate since he couldn't. In celebration Aaron made a vanilla cake in the shape of an island.

But he still had to move forward. He slowly slipped out of the room. Then he got a ride to the edge of Starlights Island.

When he got there, there was a boat that was carrying all the trash from that week. He had gone back into the alley where he had last met Maria.

It was 1:33. Hmm Maria is usually quite punctual. "Maria?" Aaron whispered. Then a figure appeared coming out of the shadows.

"What did you already miss my company?" She said. He rolled his eyes about 10 times. If only there was enough gestures to express his hatred for Maria.

"Look tomorrow we all leave for the second island" he said. "And?" She said prolonging the A. "I want you to come" He stated.

She just started laughing. "Aaron, who am I? Kawaii~Chan?" She snorted. "I don't do hiding, I like my presence to be known. And there's a little flaw in your plan." She said bluntly.

"What is it?" He groaned. "The rest of your pack knows my scent, if they can smell the tiniest strand of my fur, game over" she retorted. She shook her head in reply.

"Anyway I think I'm gonna go-" "Shh!" He said covering her mouth. There was a rattle on top of  "Zanes Crab Shack" Well that's oddly ironic.

"What is it?" She whispered. Aaron shook his head. "Thought I heard something. Anyway meet me tomorrow at the dock" he instructed. "And what makes you think I'm coming?" She asked. "I know you love my company!" He laughed. But it was a forced laugh if anything. He handed her a bag which inside held a disguise. They both said their goodbyes and parted ways.

Everything was going just as Aaron had planned. Or maybe not...


"Look Lucinda face the facts Aaron's not coming-" "Shut up!" Lucinda whispered. She pointed straight ahead of them. It was Aaron and Maria.

"What did I tell you?" She said happy. But this wasn't a warm and fuzzy kind of happy. It was a 'I know what you did and I'm gonna tell everyone on the entire planet' happy. Kim made a sound that wasn't even human. This wasn't what she was expecting out of Aaron. "What do you think they're talking about?" Ghost asked breaking them both out of their thought. "Tennis balls? Milk bones?" Kim said sarcastically.

"Well who cares? I have all the proof I need!" Lucinda exclaimed. During her excitement she knocked over one of the piles of roof tiles that they were sitting on top of.

"Oops" Lucinda whispered. "Look what you've gone and done!" Ghost shout whispered. While their prolonged moment of silence Lucinda was texting someone a picture.

"Alright let's bounce. Our work here is done" Lucinda said. "Finally I can't wait to sun tan!" Ghost said happily.


Aaron had gotten back to the boat for dinner. And he had gotten the cupcakes. "Hey Aph! Look what I got-" he walked into their bedroom with Aphmau crying.

"Aph what's wrong?" He said putting down the cupcakes and stepping towards her to hug her. She saw this and stepped back.

"How could you!" She wailed. Her eyes were bloodshot from crying. She stormed out of the room running down the halls sobbing.

She was looking at her phone. He picked it up and saw what he was looking at.

It was the picture of him and Maria at the stadium kissing.

Then his phone buzzed. He put hers down and opened up his messages. It was from Lucinda.
It was a picture of him at the edge of Starlight with Maria. With the caption,


To be continued...

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