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Aina kun juttelen mun kaverin kans, me puhutaan usein fantasia maailmasta ja erilaisista seikkailuista. Meillä on molemmilla hahmot ja paljon muita sivullisia joita saadaan dubata X'D. Kirjottelen siis aika usein ideoita ja muita ajatuksia ylös, jotta muistan puhua niistä mun kamun kans...

^^I always write my thoughts on paper... Meaning plans... I talk with my bff a lot and we have this our own fantasy world and I always write my different plans somewhere so that I wouldn't forget them

Tänään mä vähän innostuin liikaa... alotin kirjottaa englanniks pienehkön tarinan osasta niistä henkilöistä 😅... sit kun se viimeinkin oli valmis lähetin sen mun kamulle 😝. Sit aloin kattoo sitä tekstiä vähän tarkemmin ja se alko vaan näyttää joltain pieneltä (todella pieneltä) novellilta... Joten ajattelin sen takia lisätä sen tähän 😸

^^ I got bit carried away and started writing it in English ('cause I do that sometimes) and it came out as this funny little novel and decided to post it here X'D

After a joyous night with André, The ancient one comes to greet her own son. Kira panics and hides under the blanket as close to André as she could making him a bit red on the cheeks. Realizing that they're both naked, she blushes and her face turns to pink. But even then she remains still without breathing.

André talks with his mother and insists that he can not get out of the bed because he's not feeling well. His mother then starts to worry about her eldest son.

The mother starts to pamper her son with all the things that her son loves, she checks his temperature which is quite high because of the woman under his blankets. All the while Kira is super uncomfortable under the blanket with her face all pink with embarrassment trying to think of a way out of that situation. She's completely stuck and just waits that the ancient one would go away.

Finally after some time, which seems like hours, the ancient one leaves her son so that he could rest.

After the ancient one had left, Kira peaks up under the blanket and whispers: "Is she gone yet?" André nods and Kira sits up and sighs relieved: "finally. I thought she would never leave." "Was it that bad being so close to me?" André jokes and looks at Kira smirking happily. " no... that's not..." Kira mumbles. "I'm just messing with ya" he says and messes her hair. "Hey" she says smirking and slaps his hand away.

They keep talking for a while about this and that. After some time, Kira says sadly: "I really have to go now but I'll be back to tease you when it's safe, ok." "Sure" André says somewhat sad that she has to go but puts up a smile on his face and says: "until next time, my sweet lady." Kira laughs and gives her farewells and leaves... (my imagination is killing me) 😂😅

~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~
No siinä se sitten olikin X3... tämmösiä asioita mä teen usein, sillon kun mulla on tylsää.

^^That was all X3... This is the kinda shit I do when I'm bored

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