Chapter Seven

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~POV changes back to Annie~

"Alright, so this is what we're going to do." Tori said to me.

She explained to me how we were going to change our outfits, I was going to put my hair in a high bun and Tori was going to straighten her hair, we were going to remove our makeup, put on sunglasses, change our outfit entirely, and we were going to go visit my mom.

I thought it was a great idea. 

"Don't worry, I already called your mom asking to spend a few days with her. Now all we have to do is get packing," she told me.

"How many days are we going to spend with her, so I know how many clothes to bring?"

"Five days, and we are leaving in the morning of the 6th. So about a week."

"Alright I'll just bring a week's worth of clothing then,"

"Okay. We spread out  when I say go. Three, two, one, GO!"

I grabbed all my bathroom stuff, then I packed a lot of clothing - maybe a little more than a weeks worth. I removed all of my makeup, other than some lip stuff. I put my sunglasses on and changed. 

"Ready to go?" Tori asked me. I didn't even recognize her, she looks so different with her hair straightened.

"I'll curl it when I get there," Tori said.

"Yeah, probably a good idea," I laughed. I made sure that I got everything for Luna, while Tori closed all the curtains, shut off all the lights, and locked all the doors. 

"All set?" Tori asked me, standing in front of the door. I took Luna to her crate.

"Yup!" We walked into the hallways, and locked our apartment door. We ran to the elevator, and hit the "lobby" button.

We stood in silence until we got down to the lobby, and as soon as that happened we went to Tori's car.

I let Luna out of her crate, and I let her roam around the back of the car. Tori put our suitcases in the trunk, while I turned the car on.

"Drive!" I said, as soon as Tori buckled in.

"This ain't my first rodeo," Tori said, as she placed her foot on the gas pedal. Luna hopped into my lap and laid down. 

"She's so little I can't help it!" I gushed to Tori. She smiled and took a left.

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