chapter 11

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My phone vibrated in my pocket.

I've been suspended for three days. The text from Boston read. I sighed, his mom was going to kill him. I still don't know why he was even fighting in the first place. He was fine at lunch, then he just snapped. I guess I should know more of the story before I get mad at him, but i'm pissed.

I basically ignored him at work too. He kept saying he was sorry, but all that was on my mind now was how much he reminded me of John. It scared me.

"Babe, please just talk to me," he said as I was walking to get a customers refill.

"Boston," I sighed.

"Okay, at least you're talking." He walked with me to my table, not leaving my side. "I'm sorry."

"I know, you've said that."

"Then why won't you say anything?" He asked as I set down my tray on the counter.

"Because Boston, I don't know what to say."

And just like that he shut up. The rest of work was spent with both of us ignoring each other. We even started to lock up the place in silence.

I could tell he was hurt by me not talking to him. It made me feel even worse than I already did.

I was counting the money in the register, Boston was in the back making sure everything was turned off when the door opened.

"Sorry, we just closed," I said without looking up. The footsteps were loud and they were getting closer. Did this person not hear me?

When I looked up my stomach dropped.


"What did you do to my house?" He growled. I didn't even know what to say, I couldn't even breathe let alone reply to him. "I said, what the fuck did you do to my house?"

"I-I took all of our stuff and left. It's your house, I didn't touch your stuff," I said quickly, my heart beat picking up in my chest. He was only inches away from me and I could smell the liquor on him from here.

"Where is she?" His voice boomed. He was talking slowly, but with force and demand.

"Red, who's—" I heard Boston say from behind me. Then he stopped short. "Get the fuck away from her." Boston's voice was equally as powerful as John's and I still don't know if that frightens or comforts me.

"Where is she?" John repeated. Boston was now standing in front of me as my worst fear came back to life.

"We don't know, now get out. You better not show your face here ever again or so help me God," Boston spat.

"Whatcha gonna do?" John laughed. "You're lucky I haven't had you killed you yet," he took a step closer.

"You have about ten seconds before I call the cops." He looked absolutely unfazed by John's previous murder threat. I think I was crying now, I don't really know, it's all a blur.

John laughed. "See ya around, neighbor." He smiled slyly and turned on his heel walking out the door, letting it slam shut behind him.

I put my head in my hands, sobbing uncontrollably. This was all too much, I can't handle this anymore.

"It's okay," Boston said and I felt his strong arms wrap around me. I turned into his chest and let him hold me. It was then that I realized I hadn't let myself cry over the disappearance of my mother or John or anything really at all. I bury things. That's what I do. And then when the dam breaks open, there's no stopping it. "Babe, it's okay. Nothing happened. You're safe with me, I promise."

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