Chapter 4: He Loves Me...He Loves Me Not? (Yusei x Akiza)

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Akiza Ikinski was at a rose garden with Luna and Leo. They were sitting down on the grass. Akiza had a rose and she kept taking off its red petals, one by one. He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not. She had been doing this non stop for a while.

Leo was confused, and he turned to look at Akiza, who was still taking off the rose petals. "Akiza. Aren't you bored? You have been taking off the petals of roses for hours. "

"Hmm? Me? I--" Akiza stopped to think and she looked at the boy twin.

"Just what is she doing?" Leo inquired, whispering to his other twin.

"Duh. Isn't it obvious, Leo?" Luna cupped her cheek to whisper into his ear. "She's in love. Why else wouldn't she be taking off those rose petals? She's clearly playing the 'He Loves Me... He Loves Me Not-type-of game'. A game that people play when they don't know if their crush likes them or not."

As Luna stopped whispering in his ear, Leo's eyes followed Akiza, noticing what she really was doing. He then whispered back to Luna. "Wow you're right. She is. What should we do about it?"

"I think we should help her with who ever she seems to have a liking to."

"Yeah. You do that Luna, and I'll do my thing."

Luna stood up and glared at her older twin, with a serious look. "Whatever you say. I'll be the one to talk to Akiza about it. It's not like you or any boys know a thing or two about love." She put her hand out to herself. "I'll handle this." She then went to talk to Akiza.

Akiza was still playing the flower-love game and was stuck in a deep sense of thought, that she didn't notice that she said these words outloud; "He loves me. He loves me not." She took out the last rose petal. "He LOVES ME!" She quickly got up and shouted, with a smile on her face.

"I was right! You are in love! Aren't you, Akiza?" Luna said to the female Dragon Signer.

Realizing what she said, Akiza Ikinski had a blush on her face and she covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh my gosh. Did I say that outloud?"

Luna and Leo giggled at her reaction. "You sure did."

"So... Who do you like?" Luna asked.

Akiza blushed in embarrassment. "Like? What are you talking about? I don't like anybody." She sweat dropped.

"Stop lying! I know that you're in love, Akiza. I could tell." Luna replied to her.

"F-fine. I am. So...--"

"So... I--" Luna put her hand out to herself, and was then cut off when Leo made a fake coughing sound, a sign to include him into a conversation. "We...Which is just Leo and I... want to help you with your love life."

"No way! It's not like you'll be of any help at all!"

"But Akiza?...Why are you like this? We want to help you!" Luna said.

"Yeah! So..Please let us!" Leo exclaimed.

Akiza turned her back towards them, to not make an eye contact with them. The wind blew her bangs, as she closed her eyes, feeling the warmth of the sunlight. "I appreciate your kindness of wanting to help me. But it wouldn't matter, Leo and Luna."

"Why wouldn't it matter?" Leo and Luna said, looking at each other and back to Akiza.

"Because 'he' only sees me as a friend."

"Who's 'he'?" Leo said.

"Yusei," Akiza confessed the name of her crush.

"Yusei!?" Leo and Luna said.

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