Chapter 8: Losing Dominic

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"WTF?!" we heard. I looked and seen Dominic. He looked at Ricardo crazy. "Aye man why the fuck you got yo hands on her?" he asked and Ricardo looked at him.

"Aye man why you questioning me?" Ricardo asked.

"Aye man imma need you to get the fuck on some where. This shit here mine." Dominic walked up and wrapped his arm around me.

"Yo man why you hugging on my baby mother." he said. I looked at Ricardo shocked.

"Nigga what?" Dominic asked. "She ain't pregnant." he said and looked at me. He seen the face I wore and moved his arm. "You pregnant?" he asked me.

I looked at them both. This was too much for me. "Answer me Danny." he said. I looked down and nodded. I heard him sigh.

"And its mine or someone else's." he said and I looked are Ricardo to shut the hell up.


"Leave me the fuck alone." he said and walked off.

"Dominic!" I said and he looked at me.

"No. You a trifling hoe!! Fuck you!!" he said and got in his car and drove off." I started to tear up.

I loved him so much. I heard Ricardo sigh. "Aye Danielle?"

"Don't come back to my fucking house!!" I yelled at him and walked into the house.

I seen Toya at the door. She looked at me. "You loved him?" she asked. I cried and nodded. She rushed and hugged me and closed the door.

"He told me to leave him alone." I said and she hugged me tight. "I love him so much." I said and she nodded.

"Ok ok. Lets go." she said and we walked up stairs.

"Why didn't you tell me he was one of the guys?" she asked as we layed in my bed.

"I just didn't want him to hate me like he do now." I said and she nodded.

"Just let him get some space. He might come around when the baby come." she said and I nodded.

"Ok." I said and she nodded.

"You going to school?" she asked and I shook my head. "Ok. I have work so just stay in your room ok." she said and I nodded.

When she left for work I decided to fix me some food. As I was doing so my phone rang.

I answered without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Where are you?" I heard Jane's voice. I sighed.

"Something happened this morning and I didn't get on the bus."I said and she sighed.

"What happened?" she asked.

"I really don't want to talk about it." I said.

"Fine." she said. She sounded a little mad but I didn't care. This wasn't about her.

"Imma talk to you later." I said and hung up.

I know she is gonna be mad but I don't have time for her pettiness. I have problems of my own.

After I fixed my food I went to my room and laid down.

I spent my whole day in the bed and watching movies. Those people seem to have better lives then mine.

Mine is all fucked up and im the cause of it.

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