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5 years later

I stood in my room putting on a nice Black fitted dress with my black red bottoms. I smiled at my self in the mirror. It has been a long time coming I swear.

Im now 21 and Melvin is 23 and Rose is 6. We are like one big happy family.

Melvin decided to take me out so me and Rose were getting dressed. Rose had on a red dress with a black cardigan and some black Mary janes.

I walked down stairs to see Toya and Rick and little Rick Jr. Toya and Rick got married two months before junior came. I smiled and he smiled at me.

"You look pretty Auntie Danny." he said and I smiled and thanked him.

Rose came down and smiled. "How I look?" she said as she did poses.

"You look stunning." I said and she giggled and walked over. I looked around.

"Where is Melvin?" I asked and Toya smiled.

"Come one we have to take you to him." she said and I was so confused but also intrigued.

We walked outside to see a black limo. I looked at Toya and she smiled. "Go." said and we walked to it. Then we got in.

"So where are we going?" I asked and she zipped her mouth. I sighed and looked at Rose. "Do you know?" I asked and she did the same. "Really? So no one is gonna tell me?" I asked and they nodded.

We pulled up to a beach side restaurant. We got out and I walked towards the building. "No Danielle this way." I heard and looked at Toya and they walked on the beach.

We walked for like 10 minutes till we approached a white tent. We walked in and there stood my man in all black. He looked sexy as every.

"Heyy baby." he said and I walked up to him and smiled. He held my waste and kissed me.

I looked back at Toya. "So yall couldn't tell me we were coming to the beach?" I asked and she chuckled.

"Not just this. Turn around." she said and I turned. I looked down to see Melvin with a black box with a 18 Karat ring. I covered my mouth in awe.

"Danielle Washington I am madly in love with you. I never thought it would be possible for me to love someone as much as I do you. Baby im ready to spend the rest of my life with you." he said and tears have formed and gone down my face. "Danny will you marry me?" he asked and I was so over whelmed.

"Of course I will marry you." I said and he smiled and slipped the ring on my finger. He stood up and I pulled him into a lot g passionate kiss. He smiled against my lips and I did the same. We heard clapping and I looked back and looked at them.

"Im so happy for you babe." she said and I smiled and hugged her. Rose came up to me and smiled.

"Mommy are you and Daddy getting married?" I nodded and she smiled.

"Yea!!!" she yelled and we giggled.

We sat down and started to eat. I looked at Melvin. "I love you." I said and she smiled.

"I love you too." he said and I kissed him.

Later that night we expressed our love. Saying we made love would be an understatement.

The next few years was the best. We now have two more kids. Mariah and Cater. Yep twins. Now me and Melvin have a lot of responsibilities. No like we didn't before but now we are more advanced. I love him and he loves me. That's all that matters.


That's for reading my book.


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