Truth Revealed

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I love her and this band but everything is going crazy. With me going to rehab and everything. It's just gotten all messed up, lately the only reason I am still here is because of her. She's probably gonna hate me but I just can't do this band any more to many personal problems to deal with. I love her but I need to do what's best for me.

"hey Selene can I talk to you?" I asked her while everyone was still asleep down stairs. She jumped slightly not expecting me to come in I'm guessing.

"umm yea sure Max what is it?" she whispered whipping her eyes. All I did was stare at her. She is so beautiful, this would just break our hearts more than the last time we broke up. I know we aren't together but it feels like it.

"Well I just wanted to talk to you about the band. You know I love my music and I wouldn't stop playing for anything in the world." She looks at me like I'm crazy wondering were this is going. I know this look she does it all the time when I won't get to the point. "I just don't think I can be in the band any more. With everything that's going on I think it's best if you guys get a different bass player." I said without thinking of how she would feel about this. I was looking down at the ground until I heard her start crying. I looked up at her and pulled her into a tight hug. I want her to feel loved and understand I just can't do this anymore, she started crying harder.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Its just you loved it here. I just don't know how to break this to my brother. Plus there is something nobody but me and Katie know. I'm just to afraid to tell anyone even you." she said through tears.

"Baby, what is it? I want to know."

"I'm pregnant. The baby is yours. It happened that night we went out with your friends." she said getting up and going to the bathroom and throw up last nights dinner. I just sat there frozen in my tracks. I was happy I was having a baby with this wonderful woman but I basically just broke off anything she and I would ever be. I don't know what to do.


So I told Max the truth and I am relieved but also worried. I don't want him to have to stay in a band he doesn't want to be in because of my pregnancy. He deserves to be happy and so do I. So after I was done throwing up in my bathroom I told him to go ahead and do what he was talking about before I told him the truth. That I wanted him to be happy, he deserved to be happy. He gave me a hug and kissed me telling me he loved me so much. He wants me to be happy as well and if I would let him he would love to help raise his baby.

After he left I started crying again. I loved him so much and with him leaving I finally realized I don't want to live without him but I can't think about just me anymore. I have a baby to think about. I got dressed and went down stairs everyone was asleep except my brother who was looking at a picture of his baby girl. He looked up at me and smiled. I motioned into the kitchen so I could talk to him without waking anyone up.

"Whats up sis? Is everything ok? Why did Max just leave like that? Did you guys get into a fight again?" he kept asking.

"Craig everything is fine. I just told Max something I was afraid to say the other night. Max left because he doesn't think he can be in escape the fate anymore. He's just got to much on his mind right now. So no we didn't get into a fight again." I responded as my brother looked at me with knowing eyes. "Selene Allison Mabbit, do you really think that I don't know you are pregnant with Max's baby and he left because he can't handle seeing you without remembering that you won't take him back no matter what?" Craig said thinking he had figured it all out.

"My dear dear brother that's were your wrong Max told me he couldn't be in the band for personal reasons and after he was done telling me that did I tell him I was pregnant with his baby. He even said if I would allow it he would love to help raise him/her so ha." I said making his face change from I figured it out to omg really.

He has always worried about me because I almost died when I was a baby and he doesn't want that to happen again. He thinks that since I am so tiny weight wise that having a baby could kill me. What he doesn't know is I've thought about that already. I talk to the doctor and he said that that is impossible because I wasn't underweight I was just small. I would be able to both carry and deliver my baby.

I know what my brother is worried about. I know he just wants to make sure I am safe but I can take care of myself. I'm 24 years old for gods sake. I'm sure that just because of my size doesn't mean he needs to worry.

Max is a great guy and I love him. I have been in love with that man for years now. What am I going to do now that he's really done. There was a knock at my front door.

"come in." I said.

My mother walks in the door. Given I haven't seen or spoke to her since I was 17 you can imagine how shocked I was to see her. Here let me tell you a little bit about my mother. She raised both my brother and me after my dad left when I was still a baby. She likes to hold it over my head and say it was all my fault that he left and she did nothing wrong. I think differently I think he left because of her and that he didn't take me with him because of her. Craig is the only one who knows the truth but se made him swear not to tell me. She and I never got along for that very reason and when I turned 17 she and I were fighting about everything so I told her I was leaving. I packed my stuff and moved out. Craig took me in, helped me get settled and on my feet.

"Craig, my wonderful son, it's nice to see you again. Where's that ungrateful sister of yours?" my mother said knowing I was standing in the exact same spot I was a second ago. "Hey mom it's great to see you again. She's not ungrateful you guys just don't get along well and shes also standing right behind you." Craig says sort of defending me. My mother turns around ad gives me an "oh there you are you stupid bitch" look. I just blow it off, going into the kitchen Jaime followed me to make sure I was ok. "hey Sel don't worry about our mom. She's just jealous that you have so many people to keep you company." he says trying to make me feel better about my mother and I hating each other.

"She's not jealous of me having more company than her Jaime. She blames me for my dad leaving her to raise two kids on her own." I tried to explain to him.

"Oh well that definitly explains why she treats you and Craig so dofferently. Why is she here though? This isn't your brothers house." He said looking at me like he wanted to ask something completely different than what he asked.

"She probably heard he was here and wanted to tell him what a bad influence I am. That he shouldn't be around me. Like she did when we were kids." I answered him.


I know its not good to have a crush on a woman you just meet a few days ago but I do. I know her and Max used to be an idem. I also know she is hidding something huge from everyone I just don't know what it is yet. I don't care what it is she's hidding I want to be with this woman no matter what. We talked for a few hours even after her mom left the house. She and I actually have a lot in common. I am going to ask her to be my girlfriend after the show next week. Hopefully by then I will have the courage to ask.

"hey I want to tell you something. I will understand if you don't want to hang out with me or anything after this but here it goes. Umm Jaime I've had an awesome time talking and hanging out with you. I just thought you should know that I'm pregnant with Max's baby." she explains looking down at the floor. I said lifting up her chin, "that's definitely a shock but I don't care if your pregnant or what. I want to tell you this I like you no matter what I think I always will. I've also had an amazing time hanging out with you."

Craig walks in the kitchen and glares at me knowing it's my time to leave I get up but Sel stops me. I look at her confused. "Craig what are you still doing here? You should be with your daughter." Sel said wondering what was going on. "I decided to make sure my little sister was ok." he told her still glaring at me. "I'm fine now can you go home Jaime and I are having a conversation. With that Craig turns around and leaves.

"I should go the guys will start to get worried." I tried saying before she stopped me with a kiss.

"Don't go. Stay here with me tonight. Please?" without even thinking I said yes because how could I say no to the girl I love after she kisses me. We went up to her room and went to bed.

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