Better than I know Myself

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Katie got back to the house at about eleven that night. Turns out even through mine and Andy's heart-breaking break up he helped Katie get the kids stuff and even some of my stuff packed and she brought it over here. There were still something's I was going to have to go and pick up myself but the important stuff was here. I took Max and Shyanne up to the room Oli and I made for them. We had to clean out one of the guest bedrooms to make it work. The bedroom was right next the one Oliver and I now share. After our make out session this afternoon we thought it appropriate and since I was living there already it was perfect timing.

Andy and I didn’t know what to say to each other so I just sent him a text saying thank you for helping Katie get the kids stuff ready to go. He replied saying it was no problem but it took him at least half an hour after I texted him. I was beginning to get worried because he has never, not replied to people unless there was something really wrong. Katie told me he was crying when she got there. I could stop myself I had called Andy. He answered right away and it sounded like he was still crying. I felt so bad for everything. Andy had saved me from myself and I couldn’t do a thing to save him from anything. Oliver was sitting right there when I told Andy I was coming over. He understood that I had to do this even if it risked us not being together. He knew that I would always love Andrew and nothing would ever change that.

I tucked the kids into bed and told them goodnight and to also listen to Oli if I wasn’t back by morning. Shyanne told me she missed her dad already. It took everything I had not to cry when I told her I missed him already as well. I would always miss her dad. I tried not to think about him but he was on my mind all day and now I was going to see if he was ok and I don’t know what will happen while I am there. I would always want Andy back but I know that Juliet wants to be with him as well so I don’t know what I am going to do. I know Andy did this because of my feelings for other people but he also did it for himself even though he doesn’t see it. He secretly wants to be with Juliet like I secretly wanted to be with Oli the whole time I was with Andy.

Andrew was the guy I could always count on for everything and if it wasn’t for everyone, wanting different people or things it might have worked out for us. This was all I could think about on my way back to the house Andy and I shared for three years. I just knew something was going to happen that I wasn’t going to like. So when I walked in the door I found Andy on the floor crying with a bottle of Jack Daniels. The drink of choose in my opinion because I had a best friend out in Texas whose initials stood for that drink plus it was the only thing Craig would let me drink after my episode. So we always had it in the house for when I had a bad day, or when Andy and I wanted to celebrate something.

Andy was on the floor and he stopped crying so I thought he knew I was there, but when I checked on him he wasn’t breathing. I called Oli, Katie and everyone we had ever had over at the house and told them to meet me at the hospital that Andy wasn’t breathing and I was freaking out. Shyanne was too young to deal with the death of her father; I was too young to deal with the death of the man I loved for three years and that I just needed them to be there to help me out. I got him into the car he bought me for our year anniversary. Once we were in the car I rushed to the hospital and he was rushed into surgery because they think it had to do with the alcohol and the pain pills he was taking.

I was sitting down worrying something was seriously wrong with him when Katie and Oli walked in. I ran into Oli’s arms because I was crying so hard. We all sat down and had a conversation before the nurse came too talked to me.

“What happened, Selene?” Katie asked me with so much worry in her voice.

“I went home to check on Andy because I called him to see if he was ok and he was crying. So went I got home he was on the floor crying with a bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand. I thought it was just the one bottle because we never kept more than one because of Max and Shyanne but when he stopped crying I went to talk to him but he wasn’t breathing so I called you guys and drove him here.” I said wondering if it was because of me that he had done this. I couldn’t live with myself if it was my fault he had done this to himself.

“Well sweetie I just hope he is ok. I know even if you guys aren’t together he means everything to you.” Katie said trying so hard to make me feel better but with the thought in my mind that wasn’t going to happen.

Oliver looked at me at told me not to worry about it and that it wasn’t my fault. I really wish I could have believed him because he was probably right but I just couldn’t rap my mind around it. I waited for an hour and a half and finally the nurse came in.

“Miss Mabbit, I need to talk to you about something.” She said.

“Yes ma’am.” I say.

“Mr. Biersack is going to be ok, you got him here just in time. Looks like it was only a matter of time before the medicine and alcohol killed him. You had about ten minutes before it took him from you and your daughter.” She said all calm about the situation. I burst into tears as I heard her say the last sentence. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to tell poor baby Shyanne that her dad loved her but he didn’t make it. That he wanted her to know that he will always love us both even Max, who isn’t his kid. He loved all of us and just the thought of him being gone just made my life feel like hell had frozen over.

I asked her when I could finally muster the words if I could see him. She said that was fine because he asked for his fiancée and she figured that was me. I went into Andy’s room and looked at him asleep.  He was saying my name, as peaceful as ever. I went over to his bedside and sat in the chair next to him.

Andy woke up and looked into my eyes, that is all he did and it felt like he and I had never broken up. I missed him so much, I couldn’t think of telling him that he told the nurse that I was still his fiancée. I didn’t want to ruin our moment for anything. He finally broke the silence.

“Selene, how is Shyanne is everything with her ok?” He sounded so worried about her. Andy loves his daughter and would do anything for her and everyone knew it. He was a devoted father and I knew that was one of the reasons he did what he did.

“Yeah, everything is fine with Shyanne sweetie. I am here because of you not because of her. She is at Oli’s sleeping. I do have to ask you something. Why did you do this to yourself?” I asked so worried about him.

“I did it because I couldn’t handle the pain of the heartbreak that I had after you left for Oliver’s. I knew I had just made the biggest mistake of my life. I wanted to be with you and our kids no matter what. You are the love of my life Selene. You always have been. I know I thought I wanted to be with Juliet but she and Ashley are now together. I told her that I wanted to be with her but I just can’t get over you. Plus I wanted to be there for Shyanne but I can’t do that if you guys aren’t at the house.” He answered my question with this seriousness in his voice that told me that he meant every word he said.

I walked out of his room and told everyone what he had said and Oli told me to go back to him that he would always be my escape when I needed it. He also said that he would watch the kids for a few days while I stayed here with Andy to make sure everything would be ok. I thanked him with another passionate kiss knowing it would be the last one for a while. I loved him so much but he knew what was right for me before I did. He was the best ever. I went back into Andy’s room and fell asleep in the chair next to him bed while I watched him fall asleep.

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