You're gonna be the one that saves me

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It has been three days. The bands cancelled there tours so that they could be here when she woke up.

"Mr. Green, she's awake ad asking for you and two others. A Mr. Mabbit I'm guessing her brother and Mr. Preciado. You guys can go in at any time." the doctor said to us. We were all nervous to see if she was ok.

I was the first one to walk in followed by Craig and Jaime at the same time. Selene looked good except for her arms. I wanted to just go up to her and kiss her never letting her go. I know right now it's best to just let her be in the bed.

"Selene why did you do this to yourself?" he brother asked her.

She looked at me when she answered his question, "I did it because everyday since our daughter died I wished my life was a bad dream just to wake up and it be my reality. The one time I wished for my reality to be reality only part of it was. The other part was a dream.

That made me depressed so I did what I could. What I did when I was a kid." her head was facing her brother when she said the last sentence.

Craig looked shocked at his baby sister. "You, you, you can't do that. Does my dad know about this Max?" at first talking to his sister then addressing me.

"Umm no he doesn't I forgot to talk him. I was trying to make sure you guys knew. I'm sorry man." I said looking up at him a minute then going back to Selene.

"It's no problem dude. I'm gonna go call him and let him know." he said heading toward the door when, "NO!" Selene yelled.

Craig turned and said "Why not he should know your doing this again. Your mother would be ashamed."

"Mom doesn't care about me we have established this years ago." Selene muttered.

"Not my mom. Yours." Craig said and left the room before he could ask him another question.

She talked to us for about an hour and went back to sleep because the medicine they had her on made her really sleepy. She was asleep for another two hours and when she finally woke up I was sitting right beside her the whole time. Her dad walked in the door. We all left to give them some privacy.


It has been two months since my dad showed up at the hospital and told me about my mom. I have been in the hospital for four month and I am finally getting out today. No body but Max knows that I am pregnant yet.

My dad knows about what happened the last time I was pregnant because Craig told him. Lately I have been realizing that doing what I did isn't going to keep Max with me it only drove us apart so he and I split up a few weeks ago. It broke my heart but I knew it was for the best.

Jaime has a new girlfriend her name is Kaylie. They have been together two and a half months. Having dated before so they are engaged to be married in June. I just go home and go back to what I was doing before I got pregnant the first time.

Two weeks later.

I went back to managing my brother's band. Trying not to think about anything or anybody other than me and my baby.

"Selene guess what just happened to me!" Katie said all excited jumping up and down.

"What just happened to you Katie?" I was excited but not as much as she was.

"Vic asked me out for tonight after the concert." She again couldn't stop jumping up and down.

"That's awesome Katie." I had said staring off at Andy Biersack from Black Veil Brides.

Katie noticed me looking at him and went over there. She started talking to him and the next thing I know I am getting asked to go on a double date with her and Vic. Me of course not being able to say no fast enough agreed to one date.

That night

I met Vic and Katie outside our tour bus. Andy was running a little late because his show was a few songs more than expected. I was ok with that because my brother does those all the time.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late. Are you ladies ready to go?" Andy said wrapping me up in his arms.

"Yeah we are ready and its ok Craig and my brother have those nights all the time. Right Selene?" Katie had stated.

"Yeah as a matter of fact Craig had one of those nights just yesterday." I said just staring at my date.

After about twenty minutes we got our table and ordered. I had a steak and fries, Andy same as me, Katie and Vic had a cheeseburger and fries. We all talked and laughed. I waited til Andy and I were alone to tell him I was pregnant and if he didn't want to go out anymore that was ok with me.

Andy was ok with the fact that I was having a baby. He told me he and I would raise it as if it was his kid. I was so happy I stayed the night. I laid down next to him and fell right to sleep.

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