You gave me butterflies at the mailbox

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It's been two weeks since Selene told me she was pregnant with Max's baby. I haven't spoken to her since that night mainly cause of the drama that exploded in her house that weekend. I'm worried about her. I talked to Jaime the other day and he says she's doing well. Jaime and Selene started dating about two or three days after the afternoon they spent talking all afternoon.

Selene is possibly the only the only girl I get to be around other than my brothers crazy girlfriends and the fans. Selene I think is the only one I can truly trust. I am going to call her and see if she wants to hang out tonight.

Her phone started ringing and after the fourth ring she answered, "hey Katie what's up?"

"not much I was wondering if you want to hang out tonight at one of our houses?" I asked hoping she might say yea.

"Umm Katie I would love to but I have a doctors visit and Max is on his way to get me right now. If it wasn't for that I would say yes in a split second." she says.

"Oh no that's fine. I hope everything is good. I'll talk to you tomorrow then bye." I say hanging up the phone.


I was on my way to pick up Selene for her doctors appointment and thinking of why I couldn't have gotten her pregnant before when we were dating. I miss that heart pounding smile of hers. It always lit up the room she was in and always made my heart jump and beat hard in my chest I sometimes felt like I was dying with the best girl ever as all mine. Now it's like I have to learn who she is all over again.

On the other side I am excited that we are having a baby and I am ready to see if it's a boy or girl. I want a little girl so bad.

I pulled up in Selene's drive way and honked since she knew I was coming. Selene came out of the house in one of my old shirts I gave to her when we were dating and a pair of pants that I'm guessing she bought or took from her boyfriend. She looked so pretty. I want to just tell her that I am and always will still be in love with her wither she feels the same or not. I decided it would be best if I didn't say anything. I know that she doesn't feel the same way so I am just going to my fatherly duties and leave her alone.

When we got to the doctors office he said that the baby was doing fine. He asked us if we wanted to see the baby and know the sex of him/her.

"Well Miss. Mabbit you are having a little boy. As you can see here on the screen. Congratulations. You must be very proud." dr. Roberts says.

I was excited and disappointed at the same time. I mean I was glad I was having a little boy to teach the bass to but I really wanted a little girl. One that reminded me of her beautiful mother in almost every way.

When I took her home Jaime was there waiting for her. He picked her up and she kissed him. They both said goodbye leaving me in the drive way with an already broken heart broken again. I just went home and stayed there for a few days not answering my phone or anything. I wrote a few songs that made me feel a little better but they couldn't mend this broken heart of mine.


When max left the other day he looked so hurt like I had broken the only thing keeping him going. I feel so bad I knew he was having trouble getting used to the idea of me and Jaime being together. I just hate feeling this way. I love Max I always have and I know I always will. I just know that I've broken his heart again. I hate doing that because it breaks mine. I've been in love with Max since I heard escape the fate and now that he and I are having a baby it makes that love even stronger.

I've been calling him and calling him but he never answers. I need to tell him how I feel and that I want him to be with me again. I talked to Jaime about it and he understands. He even told me that he thinks that he and I can give it another shot if it doesn't work between Max and I. I knew there was a reason I loved him. I just didn't know this was why. I picked up my phone and called Max again. It rang and rang so this time I left a message. "Max babe its me Selene. I need to talk to you can you please call me. I love you." then I hung up the phone.

Ok in tired of waiting for him to call me. I got in my car and drove to his house. I went to the door and got the spare key he keeps in the mailbox. "Max, baby are you here? Are you ok?" I ask into what looks like an empty house. I went into his room and he was asleep on the bed with a vodka bottle on the floor next to it. I knew he had drank himself to sleep so I left him alone and went into the bathroom to go throw up like I do everyday. I am guessing Max heard what was going on because he woke up and came into the bathroom.

"Selene what are you doing here?" he asked confused.

After I got done throwing up I got up and hugged him. "I tried calling like 26 times but you never answered I need to talk to you. Its kind of important. I hope you don't mind." I said trying not to kiss him before I rinced my mouth out. But I was to late Max and his drunk self kissed me so passionately on the lips I couldn't pull myself away. I kissed the guy I have been in love with since I was 18.

"I heard your messages baby. Whats up?" Max said finally stopping our amazing kiss.

"Jaime and I agreed that it would be best from you and I to be together. Since the baby is yours after all." I said bot taking my eyes off of my hot bass playing baby daddy.

Max and I stayed in bed all day and the next few days just enjoying each others company. He and I started dating again that very day I told him the good news.

Four months past and I was so excited that I was back with Max and having a baby girl. We figured out it wasn't a boy about six weeks ago. Max had already picked out her name and everything. He was so happy he and I were together and that I was having his baby. "Baby I wouldn't want any other woman carrying my baby. You mean the world to me. I love you." he randomly popped off with one day while I was in bed because I was put on bed rest.

I had a sharp pain go through me and he quickly took me to the hospital. I was in that room for three hours which to me felt like three days.


I am really starting to worry about Selene and our daughter Rayne. I was worried something bad happened to them both. I was already scared that Selene was going to leave me. If something happened to our baby I know she will leave me. I'll be heart broken all over again.

The doctor came to talk to me. "Mr. Green I hate to tell you this but Selene is fine but your baby didn't make it. She was stillborn."

I heard this and I started crying. I knew something was going to go wrong. Now Selene is going to leave me and I am going to have nothing and no one. I cried for the next two hours.


I lost my baby and I hate to say it, but she looks like Max. I don't want to break up with Max I'll be heartbroken but I can't stay with him knowing what I know.

I got out of the hospital two days later and went home. I was crying when I walked in. Everyone was there they all yelled surprise and I just left them there and went to my room.

"Sel sweetie are you ok?" Jaime asks coming in and sitting next to me.

"No I'm not. I just wish these last eight months never happened. I loved that baby. Knowing I'm not going to be able to raise her just makes me depressed and wanting to drink." I say laying against him so I don't fall and hurt myself like I want to.

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