Chapter Three

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I arrived at London Heathrow a few weeks later. How different this was from the last time I here.

Last time I was a naive girl with a bright eyed view of the world. Now I was an engaged woman with ambition. I knew what I wanted and I was going to get it.

Last time I had taken the Tube from the airport. I laughed when I recalled the time I first heard the term. I thought it sounded like a toothpaste. Fortunately the newspaper had organised for a private car. I'd use the Tube soon enough but for now the car would do very nicely thank you.

As I passed the familiar streets, my heart soared. Some things had changed. Some things stayed the same. All in all though my London love affair did not diminish.

The newspaper had allocated me a flat at Canary Wharf near the newspaper office. I had a week to get used to life here prior to starting my new job.

The flat was modern and surprisingly spacious. I could easily see myself living comfortably here for the next year. First things first though, I needed to call Zac.

"Zac, darling. I'm here. I'm in my flat. Everything looks gorgeous."

"So glad to hear it. Sorry but I have to go. Something's going on at the garage but Britt, I do love you."

"Love you too."

I suddenly felt quite lonely. I knew I had done the right thing by coming here. It was once in a lifetime opportunity. I knew that in this day and age women were able to have high powered careers and still be full time Mum's but that wasn't how I saw my future. I saw myself being the devoted Mum to my four children whilst maintaining my writing career on the side. To me, Motherhood would always come first.

I surveyed the contents of my flat. Everything looked modern and lovely and I knew over time I would make my mark here. I'd truly make this a home.

I had spent the next week getting used to my surrounds. I loved living in Canary Wharf. The one time industrial area had been transformed into a thriving metropolis. A catacomb of shops lay hidden below the surface and thousands of people each day streamed in and out of the DLR and Tube stations. Lively night clubs and restaurants opened late at night and pleasure vessels now graced the waters. This was a happening place in London and I felt excited to call this my home.

I looked up Mrs Jolly, the lady who headed to the exchange program that I had attended. She was pleased to see me again.

"Wow this place has changed so much. I remember growing up here on the docks. It was a hard life but it was the only one we knew. I can still smell the fish in the market and see the ships as they docked at port. Of course that was where I met my dear late husband. We both grew up here. Raised our family here. Of course my boys have long fled the nest but I still enjoy the company of the young 'uns around me."

I smiled and was delighted with her stories. Mrs Jolly had become almost a grandmotherly figure to me. Seeing her look as spritely as ever made my heart soar. We laughed and laughed that afternoon and vowed to keep in touch.

Starting the first day of work was always going to be a daunting task but starting a new day of work in a foreign city. Well that was downright terrifying.

I carefully smoothed out the lines in my new suit and selected a suitable pair of work shoes. Fortunately I was within walking distance to the office so I didn't have added worry of public transport.

Still, I didn't want a repeat of the time I was late so I finished the last touches of my makeup and headed to work.

The office was a hive of activity. I was supposed to report to my new boss, Ms Williams and wait for further instruction.

I strode into the office confidently and asked at reception. I headed to Ms Williams office with my head held high.

"Ms Williams." I poked my head round the door of her office. There sat an attractive woman with masses of soft curly blonde hair.

"You must be Brittany. Please sit down."

I sat opposite her in awe. She was older than me, possibly mid to late thirties. She had this professional, no nonsense attitude. I found myself in admiration of her forthright attitude.

"Now before we start I just want to let you know, I don't tolerate slackers here. You were chosen cause you were deemed the best for the job. Don't disappoint me. I expect everybody to carry their own weight."

She looked at my hand.

"Engaged I see. Well I hope this fiancé of yours doesn't affect your work."

"Ms Williams, of course not. Zac lives..."

She put her hand up and replied.

"Not interested in the details. As long as your work is in on time and of a competent level. That's all I'm interested in."

Strangely enough I really liked her. I had never met a woman so driven in her career. I always thought I would work happily till my first baby came along but watching Ms Williams my thoughts started to change a little. I was still young. I had plenty of time for babies. Maybe pursing my career further was a good thing at this stage of my life.

"I'll introduce you to your writing partner. Please follow me. He is new like you."

I breathed a sigh of relief. I wasn't the only newbie here. I hoped we'd get along.

"Brittany, meet Harry. Harry, Brittany."

I politely stuck out my hand.

"Hi Har..."

My voice faltered. I knew this guy.

"Brittany! Our paths meet again. What a coincidence."

Ms Williams viewed the exchange with amusement.

"So I'm guessing that you know each other?"

"Of course. Harry and I did the same exchange program here in London. We haven't spoken in years."

He had matured considerably. He was no longer the skinny, freckled kid I knew. Before me stood a tall and confident man with a winning smile and charm to boot.

"Well that's enough of the reunion. How about you familiarise yourself with your work stations and your first task. You'll be working together so I expect excellence."

And like that, Ms Williams walked away leaving me with a chance to catch up with Harry.

"So Harry, tell me do you still talk to Preeti?"

He blushed a little.

"Well we kept in touch for a while. She did end up studying at Oxford. We remained good friends."

Something in his voice hinted that he perhaps wanted more but I decided to drop the matter.

I was happy. If this was going to be my workplace for the next year, I was grateful for the fantastic team around me. Life seemed good.

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