Chapter Eight

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I stood in front of the mirror trying to control myself.

My face was a mess. My perfectly applied makeup was now a puddle of mascara and foundation mixed together. Why was I reacting this way? I always knew I'd be going home after one year. Why were things different now.

I carefully dabbed my face with a paper towel to remove the splotches. I couldn't do anything about my eyes though. They were red and swollen from crying. I did the best I could before returning to my desk.

"Hey Britt. Guess what. They extended my contract. I'll be here another year."

Harry was so enthusiastic when I returned to my desk.

His eyes however started to furrow in concern when he took stock of my shabby appearance.

"Britt. Are you ok? Did something happen with Ms Williams and yourself?"

His voice was soft and soothing and gentle. I wanted to fall into his arms and seek his comfort but I was at work and I needed to be professional.

"All good. Ms Williams extended my contract too."

"That's great news though. You should be ecstatic. Oh it's cause of Zac right."

I nodded sadly and Harry pulled me into a friendly hug.

"So there's no way we can convince you to stay?"

"No my mind is made up. I'm going home and I'm going to marry the man of my dreams and be happy for the rest of my life."

I said the words out loud and hoped the sounded convincing. Inside part of me was crying though.

The next few months past quickly. Ms Williams had tried to set up a meeting to discuss my future career plans but I kept brushing her aside. I said that my mind had been made up and I was handing in my resignation at the end of my term. I told her I appreciated the opportunity but I couldn't accept the position.

One day she cornered me.

"Brittany this is ridiculous. Please see me in my office now."

I obediently followed her into the office.

"Brittany I understand your situation but I can also see that you seem to be unhappy. Talk to me. Is this what you really want?"

"Yes Ms Williams. I've made a promise to Zac. We're getting married and starting our family. It has all been planned. I can't live here in London while Zac's back home. What kind of start to our marriage would that be."

Despite myself I could feel the tears building. Damn it. I wasn't going to cry in front of her.

"Well Brittany you've really given me no choice. You're too good a talent to give up on your career. What I'm about to offer you might not be as exciting as your current position but it might be one that you'll find interesting. I propose that I retain you on my staff and you'll continue to write freelance articles for me."

"But how can I write when I'm all the way back home."

"Well on your recent trip you prove to be a diligent and highly committed to your job. The work you turned in was excellent. I think we can come to some sort of arrangement. I'd like you to work on our new digital media team I'm setting up. You can work from home as long as you have a great internet connection. Of course you'd be expected to attend monthly meetings but they can be arranged in our office in the city near your home. Plus there are always conference calls. Please be aware. I am only offering this chance to you and that is because I truly believe you have a talent that should not be wasted."

My heart burst with pride. I could continue my writing and still be with Zac! It was like Christmas, Birthday and New Years Eve rolled into one.

Before I knew it I was hugging Ms Williams. I quickly jumped back when I realised what I was doing.

"I'm so sorry. Ms Williams. I'm just so excited. I don't know what came over me."

Her lips curled into a smile.

"Come here Brittany and give me a hug. I take it that this is a yes to my proposal, and call me Mandy. I think you've earned that right."

We both laughed. My mentor had now also become my friend.

The days passed and my wedding date finally arrived. When I got engaged, it had seemed such a long day in the future but now here I was in my old bedroom with my Mum and Talia fussing over me.

I checked my image in the mirror. I was wearing a simple creamy white sleeveless v-necked dress. It had a delicate lace overlay with a fitted bodice and a skirt that flared out from the waist. A cream sash around my waist completed the outfit.

My long dark hair had been styled into gentle loose waves and a single rose the same colour as my dress was tucked under one ear.

I had chosen not to wear a veil. I wanted to keep things simple and uncomplicated. It reflected my personality. I had never felt more beautiful in my life.

As I descended the stairs, my Dad started to tear up.

"My little girl is growing up and getting married. What's happened to my little Britt? She's a beautiful young woman now."

"Aw Dad!"

I gently hugged him when I reached the bottom of the stairs. I didn't want to destroy the masterpiece that my Mum and Talia had painstakingly put together.

He gave me his arm and led me to the waiting car.

"It's not too late to change your mind."

Talia's voice was teasing.

"We can ask the driver to keep on going."

I looked out the window as we passed the lake and the tree where Zac and I had spent so many precious moments there.

"No way I'm changing my mind. Zac's my one and only. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him."

Brittany's Dream Wedding: Book 5 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now