Chapter Five

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"Five minutes to deadline. Harry, Brittany. Will your article be in my inbox on time."

We were furiously reading away. This was the first time that we were pushing the line. I had never felt so out of control.

"Yes Ms Williams we will make deadline."

We proof read the final paragraph and pressed send. Both Harry and I collapsed back into our chairs and sighed.

"I can't believe we cut it so close, Britt."

I felt guilty. I knew it had been my fault. Ever since that argument with Zac my mind wasn't on the job. I had spoken to him since then but it felt robotic. As if we were going through the motions. I used to think I knew what I wanted. Marriage, kids, country town life.

Now I wasn't so sure. The several months I had spent here in London had changed my resolve. Perhaps it was a high powered career and city life that I wanted.

I would always love Zac. I knew I always would. Was that enough though? Would I wake up one day and regret my decision.

This was all too hard to think about. I was 21. An adult. Yet I didn't want to have to make all these adult decisions. Life was easier when I was a kid and my parents could make all the decisions for me. I used to wish then that I could be an adult and feel all powerful. Now I felt anything but.

"Harry. Sorry this has been my fault. I've been...preoccupied."

Harry took my hands in a friendly manner and looked me directly in the eyes.

"Britt. I know you've been having problems back home. I think that we both need a break. I'm going home this Bank Holiday weekend. How about you join me. Come back to the farm. Meet my family."

I looked at Harry with a quizzical expression. What was he saying?

"Hey just as friends. I'm not trying to cut in here. I just think we both need a break. I think you'll like it. A new change of pace."

I thought about it. I did need a break and we did have the time off.

"Sure Harry but only if it's ok with your parents. Don't want to intrude on their hospitality."

"Hey they'll love you. They would love to meet the woman that I've been spending every waking hour with although she had promised her love to another."

We both laughed. We needed the relief.

The weekend rolled by and Harry and I headed off for the weekend.

"You'll love the farm. When I was a kid, I couldn't wait to leave for the big city. Sure I love London but now I have an appreciation for my home. I can't put my finger on it but you know that saying, there's no place like home. Well I truly believe in it."

I let Harry's words comfort me. No place like home but where was home. Was in here in London with the paper or back in Australia with Zac. I was no closer to the answer.

Soon enough we were pulling into the village and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. It had been a long drive and my body was starting to cramp.

I opened my eyes and gasped at the sight before me. When Harry told me he lived on a farm I wasn't sure what to expect.

The village was quaint and steeped in history. Colourful flowers boxes sat upon timber framed shop fronts. The roads were narrow and cobbled. I had never seen anything like this before. I instantly fell in love with it.

"Pretty huh?"

Pretty wasn't a word I'd use to describe this place. More like spectacular.

As we pulled into the driveway of the farm, two people who I could only presume were Harry's parents came out of the ancient stone farmhouse.

They ran towards us and gathered Harry into a warm embrace. It suddenly made me feel sad. I hadn't seen my own parents for a while. Suddenly the feelings of yearning started in me.

"Mum, Dad. Meet Brittany my partner in crime. Brittany, my parents."

Harry was obviously a proud son and it warmed my heart to see such a loving family.

"Lovely to meet you Mr and Mrs Danes. Thank you for welcoming me into your home."

"Nonsense. Any friend of Harry's are welcome into our house any time."

I went to take my bag from the car.

"And call us Tom and Mary. None of this Mr and Mrs business."

I instantly warmed to them and allowed Tom to carry my bag inside.

Safely installed into the guest bedroom I looked out the window. Miles and miles of green pastures surrounded the house. I could see various animals roaming the paddocks. I thought I knew what country life was but I'd never experienced anything like this. Life in my hometown suddenly didn't seem so boring.

I thought of Zac and had a sudden sense of longing. I needed to make things right. I needed to call him.

"Hi you've reached Zac, I can't talk right now. Leave a message."

I hung up the phone. What I had to say to him I needed to tell him in person.

I sighed and headed downstairs for supper. I observed the happy family snaps along the way. Harry with his siblings. Harry with his parents. They were a close family. I could see that. My heart suddenly ached for my own family. I continue down the stairs and into the dining room.

"Harry tells us you are from Australia."

"Yes that is right. By coincidence we met as kids on the cultural exchange program. I'm so happy to be working with your son again."

"Sounds lovely. I hear you've got a fiancé waiting for you at home. Must be lovely to have somebody at home missing you. When it your wedding date?"

To be honest we hadn't set one. I always assumed we'd get married as soon as I finished here in London. Question was, when would that be.

"Nothing planned as yet. Not sure when."

"Well don't leave it too long. You'll be wanting to have babies soon."

We all laughed. On the outside it might have seemed an invasive question but it did make me think. Yes I wanted a family and I wanted Zac. Somewhere along the way my mind had become cloudy. I made a resolve to talk to Ms Williams when I got back to London.

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