Chapter Four

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"Harry, have you finished your piece on the article?"

Harry nodded and passed the work file to me.

It had been a month since I started my job here in London. Things had settled down and Harry and I made a fantastic team. Harry was also staying the in the same apartment block as myself so we ended up having dinner together most nights. Strictly friends though. We genuinely enjoyed each other's company and were grateful for the support we gave each other.

I looked at the photo of Zac on my desk. Ms Williams was not a fan of personal mementos in the workplace but I had sort out special permission.

"You plead a good case Brittany. I'm impressed with your argument and I'll allow it just this once as long as it is unobtrusive and it doesn't interfere with your work."

My heart filled with pride that I could tackle a powerhouse like Ms Williams and win. Everybody in the office were known by the first names but nobody dared call her Amanda, let alone Mandy to her face.

I looked at the small photo frame of Zac on my desk. He had just come out of the surf. His hair wet with saltiness, his skin tanned lightly. He had his million dollar smile, his blue eyes shining. I could just taste the sea air looking at his photo. It kept me going during the lonely times.

"Fancy going out for a bite tonight? I hear this new pub in Soho has great grub."

My thoughts of Zac were shattered by Harry's question.

"Of course. Sounds delish."

I was meant to call Zac tonight but I'm sure he'd understand if we kept the conversation shorter. I'd still have plenty of time for dinner.

Finishing work that day, I hurried home wanting to quickly contact Zac. Harry was picking me up in an hour or so I needed enough time to talk as well as get ready.

Kicking my shoes off I made myself comfortable on the sofa.

"Zac. How are you?"

My fiancé's beautiful face appeared on the screen. There was a smudge of oil on his cheek that made him look even more appealing. I knew he was working hard along with Kai to make the business a success. After all, both our futures depended on it and we needed it to feel financially secure prior to starting our family.

"Britt. Miss you so much."

I could see the sadness in his eyes. Despite his encouragement I knew the separation was hard on him. After all London wasn't quite next door.

"Kai and Ronnie have been busy planning their wedding. The date is coming up very fast. I really hope you can make it. Can you ask your boss for time off to come back."

My face tightened a bit. I would have loved dearly to attend the wedding of Zac's best mate. After all Zac had been asked to be the best man and Kai and Ronnie were dear friends to me too. I knew the chances of this were close to zero. I had been contracted for a year which meant no time for luxurious trips home.

"Britt. I know that face. Are you saying you can't make it."

"Zac you know my situation. You know I can't return home before the year is up. I really want to be there but I just won't be able to make it home."

"Well Britt are you planning on returning for our wedding?"

Zac's voice was accusing. I knew he was angry but these circumstances were beyond my control.

"Of course I will be. You know that."

"I just can't understand why your boss won't let you have a couple of weeks off to come home for your friends wedding."

The truth was I hadn't asked. Ms Williams was a no nonsense, hard hitting journalist. I found myself wanting to please her, emulate her. Somehow I thought asking for time off to attend my fiancé's best mate's wedding would be filed in the trivial list.

"Well Britt. I have to go. I'll talk to you later. Bye."

And like that he was gone. No I love you farewells. Just bye. Like I was just anybody.

I took a deep breath and continued on with my preparation for my dinner with Harry.

"How's your food? Mine delicious."

Harry was really enjoying his food. I had barely touched mine. I was just pushing the same piece of food around my plate.

"Ok Brittany. What's up. I know there's something on my mind."

I didn't really want to confide in Harry. We had become quite close since we saw each other everyday. He was fast becoming somebody I could trust but I felt like I couldn't confide in him. After all I didn't understand it myself.

I had always prided myself on my loyalty to Zac and my friends. Under different circumstances I would have boarded the plane home without hesitation.

Now though, I was looking at life through different eyes. I was only 21. I knew I wanted to get married and have kids but was I jumping in too soon. I had only just started on my career path. Surely I could delay marriage and motherhood a little while longer. My career needed my attention too.

Ms Williams was fast becoming my inspiration. She was not married although she did have a partner that supported her career wholeheartedly. She had purposely chosen the no children route. She was a career woman in the true sense of the word. She changed my perspective on the world.

I thought that I would get my pleasure from raising my own family. However I felt proud when she praised my achievements in the office. It was a different kind of pleasure. One that I seemed to crave more and more.

I forced a smile.

"All good Harry. How about I buy you another drink."

I got up and went to the bar. My resolve in life was changing but was it changing too fast. Would Zac still be a part of my long term future plans? I looked at my ring and sighed. The answers used to be so easy.

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