Intruders (Chapter 7)

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(Music:  Monsta X 'Shine Forever')

     I held my breath as Smokey was now only a few feet away from me.  A Rude Boy came running up the metal stairs, and stopped behind Smokey panting and out of breath.  

???:   "Smokey . . . Lala left again."

     Smokey's face crunched up, and he kicked the metal railing in frustration.  He twirled around before storming off the platform.  The rest of the Rude Boys followed him close behind.

     I let out a sigh of relief, and closed my eyes.  That was close, too close...  After I was positive the the Rude Boys had left, I swung my back-pack onto my back and slipping into the shadows, once again, made my way home.

     *Time skip*

     The sun was rising, and I got a glimpse of it before returning to my underground cage.  Kira was upset for being in the back-pack for so long, and she didn't like being in the cage either, but I couldn't do anything about that.  I didn't like the cage either...

     I nursed Kira until she fell asleep in my arms.  Then I settled her down on the jacket before standing up.

     It had been a long time since I had last practiced my fighting skills, and I missed the feeling of adrenaline flowing through my veins, and the aching muscles that signalled that I was getting stronger.

     I practiced until I collapsed on the ground exhausted.  I felt great, well sore, in a good way.  I smiled up at the ceiling and closed my eyes letting myself fall into sleep.  I never had a certain time for sleeping I just slept when I could, and hoped that it was enough sleep to keep me going for my next assignment.

     *Time skip*

     My dreams were disturbed my Kira's cries, and I forced myself to get up and tend to her.  She was hungry.  My eyes searched for the milk bottle, and found a fresh one next to my cage door.  I stretched over and grabbed it before giving it to Kira.  She immediately stopped bursting my eardrums, and sucked intently at the bottle.  Cute.

     I poked Kira's little nose, and I was about to set her back down on the ground but I remembered something.  I was supposed to make Kira burp after drinking.  How on earth am I supposed to do that?

     I made Kira sit and I stared at her waiting for her to burp, but it didn't work.  I tried making her jump up and down, but that only made her make a mess on the floor.  Yuck.  I told her to burp, but she wouldn't obey me, and I pouted like a child.  I decided to pat Kira's back as my last hope, I sat there for what seemed an eternity and at last I heard the sound of Kira burping.

     I had never been more happy to here a burp in my life time, and a smile broke out on my face, one that Kira brought out an awful lot.

Y/N:   "See it wasn't that hard!"

     Kira snuggled into my chest, her small hands clutched my top and she made a cute noise before going back to sleep.  I chuckled.  And I rocked Kira until I too was tired.  I lay down keeping Kira close to me.  Gazing into her cute, chubby, innocent face I fell into a peaceful sleep.

     *Time skip*

     I moaned as I felt small hands touching my face.  I was tired and I wanted to go back to sleep, I moved my hands in front of my face as if swatting away a fly, before trying to sleep again.  But the small hands were persistent, and my eyes shot open when the small hands started playing with my nose.

Y/N:   "Kira~ not my nose~" -I told her while removing her chubby hands from my face.

     Kira laughed, and I closed my eyes wanting to sleep some more.

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