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     (Music:  Chanyeol + Punch, Stay with Me)

     It's my birthday!!!  Whoopee!!!   :D     And if there's one thing I get on my birthday is free time, so I thought why not write special chapters in each of my High & Low Stories as a nice surprise for you guys to show you how much you mean to me~



"I only know that SIN, Shadows in the Night, is an underground group working for Kuryu Group, planted throughout S

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"I only know that SIN, Shadows in the Night, is an underground group working for Kuryu Group, planted throughout S.W.O.R.D.  And at some point they will reveal themselves, bring S.W.O.R.D. down as they rise up...  I knew someone in the Old House, and when they told me about SIN's existence I guess SIN eliminated them . . . but I'm not sure."-I said whilst raking my brain for all the information I possessed about SIN.

     There was silence as Smokey processed the information before lifting his head back up and asking a question.

"And the reason you left Ghost Town?"-Smokey inquired.

"To find SIN..."-I replied looking down at the floor.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"I- . . . I didn't know if SIN even existed.....  I didn't see the point..."-I replied guiltily.

     I could clearly see what I'd done was wrong and I could clearly see the faults, but I couldn't help but question myself.  How had I seen this before?  It was so obvious, why was I so blind?

"You didn't see how a group with the power to eliminate S.W.O.R.D. was important?"-Smokey asked unbelieving.

     I nodded.

"But I see the importance now."-I added quickly.

"That's not going to do much good now, is it?"-Smokey said gently already knowing the answer.

     I did not reply as my mind flew wild.

"There could of been a very different ending, Y/N...  You need to trust us, we're your . . . family."

     A single tear lingered on the tip of my eyelashes before dropping on my cold fingers as I rubbed them together in nervousness.

"S-sorry."-I mumbled not moving my gaze away from my hands as they rested on my lap.

"Just don't do it again."-Smokey said before slipping out the front door.

     Tears stung the corners of my eyes as if asking permission to fall.  However, I held them back before going straight to my room, I'd cried enough, crying wouldn't change anything.

    I collapsed on my bed and fell asleep almost instantly, not even bothering to change my clothes.  It had been a long day.

     Dawn sparkled, and glittered in the distance waking me from my sleep

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     Dawn sparkled, and glittered in the distance waking me from my sleep.  Dragging myself out of bed and quickly slipping on an outfit, pulling my hair back into a ponytail.  I quickly grabbed something to eat before slipping out into the sun's morning rays.

     The sun gently glittered giving a sense of calmness, and I let out all the tension I'd been holding in for quite a while now, feeling at last free from all worries

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     The sun gently glittered giving a sense of calmness, and I let out all the tension I'd been holding in for quite a while now, feeling at last free from all worries.

     I headed towards the Old House, as I wanted to make sure that the body was in fact Manabu before I could confirm my theory.

     However, I avoided Rude Boys as they made their morning patrol.  I still felt embarrassed about yesterday, and I wasn't ready to see them just yet as it would end in an extremely awkward conversation, or silence.

     I still hadn't seen Takeshi since the incident with White Rascals, which was weird as he always came around in the morning.....  I must be getting the silent treatment, and for yet another time I blamed myself for not seeing the obvious.

     At the time I thought that Rude Boys had enough on their hands, and having to go see if a rumour was true would require time, effort, and people.  I just thought . . . just thought that I could do the work for them and give them the finished result....  Just thought....

I laughed as tears started to fill my eyes once again.

     You didn't think, not for one moment.  If you'd of just thought you wouldn't of got yourself into this mess!

     Tears stung the corners of my eyes, and this time I let them fall.  Slipping into the retreating shadows and retreating from the sight of the world with them.

     It hurt to be the one to blame.  It was different from anything I'd ever experienced before, as this time there wasn't anyone else to blame . . . . only me...

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