What is this?

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(Music:  BTS, Hold me Tight)

     You have made your point clear!!! XD    So be it.


"I-I don't trust you

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"I-I don't trust you."

"I swear!  . . . I swear on Kira, I'm telling you the truth!"-Erai exclaimed, desperately.

     I shook my head.

"There's no deal."-I said glad my voice didn't waver.

     Immediately Erai's gaze turned grim, his face hardening, and all emotions seemed to leave him.

"You sure you want to do that?"-He inquired in a dangerously low voice.

     I nodded yanking my arm out of his grasp, trying to not left all fear swirling around in my head show.

"Fine."-He said gruffly trying  to restrain the anger inside of him.

     He leaned close, his head coming mere inches from my ear.  My eyes widened at the sudden closeness.

"You'll regret this."-He whispered, his voice full of malice.

     Erai swung around, storming off into the old school building.  I stared at his back as it receded.

     He was alive.....

"Takeshi, do you have a moment?"-I asked

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"Takeshi, do you have a moment?"-I asked.

     Takeshi was out doing his evening patrol, but I couldn't wait until he was finished...  I felt like if I didn't tell him now, that I would never have a the courage to tell him.

     My insides felt like they'd all been squashed into a small little ball, and I felt desperate yet . . . guilty...

     I knew that I shouldn't feel this way, but I couldn't help it.

     I hung onto the silence, waiting both nervously and eagerly for Takeshi's answer.

"I'm on patrol, Y/N...  Could you wait until I'm finished, or is it urgent?"-Takeshi replied staring out over Ghost Town, scanning for intruders.

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