Two Choices

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     It was getting late, the moon was up, and White Socks had left to go on rounds for the night.  He had told me not to stay out too late, and to head back 'home' soon.  I still didn't know his real name, and I assumed that he knew mine, it was kind of annoying in that aspect.  Basicly everyone knew who I was, but I didn't have a single clue who they were.

     I didn't stay out for much longer, and on the way back I spotted the Rude Boys making their rounds.  I almost hide in the shadows as my training wanted to kick in, but I caught myself on time.  It was weird, the people who I was told to stay with I hid and ran away from, and the people I was told to run and hide from I ran to them!  It was so ironic.

                         *Time skip*

     I lay on my bed gazing at the ceiling, thinking on what I would do next.  I didn't know what to do now, my entire life was planned by someone else, and I just did as I was told, it was . . . strange to plan out your own life, to do what you want to do when you want to do it.  I didn't have anything that I wanted to do, of course I wanted Kira back, but that wasn't something I could do she was gone, and I would now have to live with that.  Then an idea popped into my head.  What if I could help other people from experiencing what I went through, if I could prevent anything happening to another helpless victim.

     I then fell into a fitful sleep.

                     *The next morning*

     It was raining.  It was cold.  It was wet.  I ran my fingers through my hair trying to untangle as many knots as possible.  I looked around and spotted a piece of metal leaning up against the far wall, I walked over and crouched down in front of it using it like a mirror.  I looked both the best and worst I ever had.  I clothes I was wearing were cleaner than usual, my hair was no longer in rat tails and flowed nicely over my shoulders.  I looked into my own deep blue eyes, they had lost most of the sparkle in them, and my face showed no emotion.  

     A cut ran from my right eyebrow down to my cheek, and I wouldn't be surprised if it left a scar, there was a bloody graze lay on my forehead covered by my hair.  My lip was bruised a blue colour in the left corner, and my arms were decorated in small cuts and larger bruises.  I assumed that my legs and back were like wise, I lifted my top up to check if I had broken anything.  There was a faded bandage covering my side and it hurt to the touch, telling me that something was broken.  I released my top and it fell back down, covering my side.

     I heard life downstairs, and I left my room.

     The metal stairs creaked under my weight, and I wondered how long it would be before it collapsed.  I pushed that thought to the side not wanting to think about falling to my death just yet, and rushed down the rest of the stairs at a quicker pace.

     Smokey was talking to Pi in hushered voices at the far corner of the room they stopped and turned their attention to me when they noticed my presence.  Knowing what Smokey was going to ask I cut him off just as he opened his mouth.

"I've calmed down, don't worry."

     I strolled over to the worn out sofa opposite Smokey and Pi and sat down, relaxing.  Smokey just nodded, and signalled to Pi for him to leave.  I could tell that Smokey didn't want me to realise that Pi was only leaving because he was told too, but I hadn't been trained to ignore the little things, I was trained to notice them and Smokey's signal did not go unnoticed.

     I took a deep breath controlling the emotions and possibilities flooding my head, and after Pi left and Smokey had sat down on the sofa opposite me I initiated conversation.

"Is something wrong?"

"It depends."

"On what?"

"What you want to do now."

"Huh?"-I looked up in confusion looking into Smokey's brown eyes.

"You're free, and . . . I'm offering you a choice.  You can stay here, or you can leave."

     I was confused was that really a question he had to ask?  Was the answer not already obvious?

"Where would I go?  I don't have anywhere, or anyone to go to.  You guys are the only ones who cared enough to do something about what was happening in the warehouse.  I have no reason to leave . . . can I stay?"

     Smokey looked shocked, but he nodded nonetheless, I guess it wasn't that obvious then...

"But can I do more than just stay?"

     Smokey's head shot up in utter shock and confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Can I become a part of Rude Boys?"

Dun Dun Dun!!!  What will happen next?????    (sry for being mean, I'll have to make up for it won't I?? XD)

     I'm soooo sorry for not updating much, and for the chapter being so short.  Because it's soo short I'll write another chapter tomorrow.

      Luv you guys!  And feel free to vote and comment what you thought about this chapter~


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