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(Music:  Got7, Never Ever)

     I'm soooo sorry......  Anyways, Happy Christmas!!!!!!!!   I'll try update multiple stories, but don't take my word on I have to go out today.......    Better get started~~~~


     I wandered Ghost Town, trying to clear my head and calm my ever quickening heartbeat

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     I wandered Ghost Town, trying to clear my head and calm my ever quickening heartbeat.  I shook my head trying to get rid of the thoughts flooding in, and a faint scream escaped my lips when a memory of me and Takeshi burst through my mind's defences.

     Try to think clearly right now was really hard, as my mind wouldn't obey me and made me keep bring up memories of Takeshi, and my heart would then do happy dances, making me utterly exhausted but at the same time like I'd never felt better.

     You confessed.  You let him know.  He confessed back, even though you already knew he liked you it still came as a shock.  What now?

     I groaned slouching down onto wall and onto the pavement.  The cold ground sending chills up my spine, the new shock helping to clear my head for a spilt second.

     An ear splitting scream filled the silence of the night, echoing across Ghost Town.

     I shot up off the ground, my feet working before my mind as they raced towards the area the scream had originated from.

     Panic worked its way into my heart as I'd recognised that scream, I'd recognise it anywhere.  It was Lala.

     I'd always seen Lala help people in Ghost Town, being Smokey's sister and all . . . but I'd never really built up the courage to actually speak to her . . .  I'd just always admired her, wishing that one day we could become best friends or something, but it'd never grown into something.

     Smokey had, however, made sure everyone knew about Lala, and instructed, to Rude Boys, that no matter what happened we would willingly give our lives on the line to keep Lala safe.

     Lala meant everything to Smokey . . . everyone knew that . . . and with that scream earlier.....

      I ran faster, and all I could hear where my heavy breathing, my heart beat, and my legs as they pounded against the hard ground.

     I raced around a bend, and skidded to a stop in the middle of the street, the sight of a black SUV raced down the slim street.  I jumped to the side, just in time, before the SUV tore off right past me and zoomed into the distance.

     I ran over to Rude Boys as they stood on the street looking behind me, desperation and guilt glittering on their faces.

"What happened?  Where's Lala?!"-I asked whilst looking around desperately for Lala.

     I froze when no reply came, and looked at their solemn faces, Pi's lips pulled tight into a grim line, before turning to the new guy, Hiroto, and pulling him off into a building close by to speak with him in private.

     I wandered over to Takeshi, wondering what was going on and where on Earth was Lala.

"Hey, Takeshi?"-I called getting his attention.

     Takeshi looked up from the ground, meeting my eyes, his face grim.

"Where's Lala?"-I asked getting restless.

"Doubt took her just now...."

     My jaw dropped.

"What?"-I whispered.

     She . . . she's gone....   The black SUV . . .

     I groaned as realisation hit me, before marching up to the building Pi had brought Hiroto into earlier.

     My fingers curled around the door knob, but I paused when I heard them speaking in hushed whispers inside.

     Bring . . . Lala . . . brother . . . was all I was able to make out before I stepped to the side, as I heard hurried footsteps make their way towards the door.

 was all I was able to make out before I stepped to the side, as I heard hurried footsteps make their way towards the door

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     I grabbed Pi's arm as he stepped out of the building pulling him back inside, and closing the door behind me.

"I want to go."-I stated swinging around to face Pi.

     Pi looked at me in surprise.

"Go where?"-he asked faking innocence.

"To get Lala."-I replied.

"Y-Y/N....."-his voice trailed off, and I could tell that he didn't want me to go.

"I'm supposed to protect her, Pi.   I have to . . . please..."-I pleaded.

     Pi sighed deeply before replying.  His face betraying inner conflict.

"Be ready tomorrow at dusk."-was all he said before walking past me and out of the building.

     Not that long, but I still have one more story I want to update, and I just got back

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     Not that long, but I still have one more story I want to update, and I just got back...   I can't write as fast as I used too, and I still want to give you the best I possibly can so you'll have to wait a bit longer than before until I get back into the way of it.



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