Chapter 58: He What

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(Music:  Suga, Seesaw)

     I roamed seemingly empty halls, small round cameras in sharp contrast with the white surroundings making it ever so apparent that I was still being watched.  There was no escape from the surveillance of SIN, I could only pray that my previous meeting with Mighty Warriors had not also been on tape . . . however, from the calm state of the underground lair I thought it safe to assume that it was still a secret.

     Opening a random door with a click I spotted a member of SIN and I approached with caution.

"Hey," my voice came out barely as a whisper, but it was enough to catch the members attention.

"Yes?"  She replied softly, and a spark of hope lit within my chest.

"Do you know where Takeshi is?"

"As a matter of fact, I do.  You two came together?"

"Yeah . . . can I see him?"

"Just this once, but you owe me one!"  Exclaimed the lady with a merry laugh, and in a matter of moments she had already slipped out the door and back into the hallway.  With a sudden jolt, I raced to catch up with her.

     We walked wordlessly right back to the infirmary I'd woken up in a few days back.  Panic and confusion rose up my throat as I wondered what we were doing back here -- was it a trap -- but the SIN member marched past the infirmary and knocked on the door next to it.

"Yes?"  My heart leapt at the deep voice of Takeshi.

He was here this whole time?

"I'll leave you two too it."  

     Just like that dread took over just as quickly, "I don't even know you're name yet."

"Oh!"  She shook her head in disbelief, pausing in her stride, "We don't have names here, honey."

     Then the member of SIN walked away, leaving me alone with a crowded mind.  No names?  What kind of group did not have names?  It might as well of been slavery!  Who'd sign up for this stu-

"Who's there?"  Heavy footfalls sounded at the other side of the thick, white door.

     I bit my lip thinking of what to say that may or may not result in that door being locked, but no sooner had the thought graced my mind than the door slid open with a low hum gracing me with the presence of Takeshi, the one the only.

"Y/N?"  His eyes widened in surprise before a panel of steel took over the man's expression, "I told you not to come."

     Takeshi's bandaged hand shoved a button and immediately the door began to close, praying that my foot would not be amputated I slammed it in the gap right before the door could finish closing.  Thanks be to God that SIN had installed a stop mechanism for such situations, and it stopped and opened up once again.

     Before the stubborn man could manually hew off my foot and close the door I strutted into the room, pulling him in with me . . . just in case he had any ideas of running out and shutting me in.  Releasing my hold on the scruff of his coat I pivoted around glaring at Takeshi with all the anger I possessed.

"I get it okay!  I killed someone,"  I paused my heart screaming at me to go on about why I did it, but my mind saying to get on with why I was here, "We can talk about that another time, but right now we need to get out of here!"

     I looked at Takeshi expecting him to speak, cut me off, send me away, something, but he did nothing so I took it as my cue and carried on, "I've talked with Mighty Warriors . . ."

     At this Takeshi's breathing quickened and I could feel the anger radiating from him, with hesitance I continued on, "They want to help."

     Takeshi swung around and marched towards the door, his eyes burning.  "SIN is using us as bait."  At this he froze and I hurried on, "There's bombs in the top floors of this place.  They're going to go off when Rude Boys get here, but Mighty Warriors are going to warn them so they can plan around it."

"We're as good as dead meat, we'll be buried alive either way."  Replied Takeshi gruffly, but coming back towards the centre of his room.

     My gaze dropped to the floor, "That's . . . that's why I need to speak with Erai...  He promised a way out if I killed someone to prove I was serious."


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