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As Charlotte stormed into the flat, her phone went off yet again. 
"What?" she asked, looking around for her bag. 
"What are we doing?" Rian replied. 
"Oh. Grab your gear," she told him. "We're going to check out his place and inform his wife." 
"That's the plan of action?" 
"No sleep?" Charlotte snorted. 
"It's now..." Charlotte checked her watch. "Three o'clock in the morning. Practically a new day. I'll bring coffee." 
"There it is. See you there, boss." The call ended. Charlotte found her bag in the kitchen. She had hoped to not disturb Fred, especially after their fight. That, however, did not go to plan. He turned on the lights behind her, which made her jump before she turned around. 
"Fred," she said. 
"What's going on? What happened?" Fred inquired immediately. 
"I was called into work," Charlotte replied simply. 
"A member of my team has gone missing," she told him. Fred stood still for a moment. Then, he did something Charlotte didn't expect him to. He pulled her into a hug. 
"Don't go," he whispered. "Stay here." 
"I can't," Charlotte replied, shaking her head. The rest of her was shaking too. 
"Why not?" 
"We need to find him. He's got a pregnant wife! And he's a member of my team. I can't just sit here and-" 
"Lottie," Fred interrupted, and he sounded kind of desperate. Charlotte peered up at him. "Please. Stay. I feel bad and-" "
"So do I Fred. But this case? It's kind of our worries, in real life. If I went missing, would you want the agents finding me being asleep?" 
"You make a strong argument," he said and let her go, not before pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Stay safe. I love you." 
"I love you too." 

"Team," Whitmore shouted, grabbing Charlotte and Rian's attention. 
"Yes, sir?" Charlotte asked. She looked rather annoyed. 
"As much as I know you'd like to, you cannot complete this investigation alone. I'm adding a member to your team," he informed her. 
"Temp or perm?" 
"Currently temp. Agent Richard Nott, meet Senior Field Agent Charlotte Malfoy, and Junior Field Agent Rian Connor," Whitmore introduced. Charlotte internally groaned but tried to not show it as one of her least favourite people entered to room. 
"Hello, Malfoy," Nott greeted with a smirk. Charlotte rolled her eyes. 
"You should probably call her boss, you know, just to keep your head intact," Rian suggested.

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