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3k reads? canny believe it. love you all x 

As soon as she could, Charlotte apparated away from the Burrow. Which was quite a feat in itself, as Molly was very reluctant to let anyone leave, even Tonks, who was an Auror herself. 
"I'll come back here as soon as I'm finished," Charlotte promised. "It shouldn't take longer than half an hour. Anymore, and I'll crack him in again in the morning."
"Are you sure?" Molly repeated for the hundredth time. Every time she asked this, Charlotte couldn't help but think about their first meeting, when ironically, Molly was very happy to let Charlotte leave. Charlotte tried to think about when that fact would have changed. Maybe she'd discuss it with Fred at some point. 

When she had finally arrived at her work, Nott was waiting for her outside. 
"He's inside the interrogation room," he started. "Rian's on the other side of the glass. There are about three or four other agents walking the other side of the door, but he's been through all of the procedures anyway."
"Not that it'll stop him," Charlotte added. 
"Let's hope it will," Nott replied. 
"Very well, Nott. You're free to go now," Charlotte said, and started walking into the building. 
"No," he argued after a moment. Charlotte stopped where she was walking. 
"No," he repeated. "You keep doing this to me. I'd like to be taken as one of your agents, for once, not the kid I was in school. You keep me out from all the top stuff, but I think I should be getting involved. It's my job." 
"Not this," Charlotte said quietly after a moment. "I'm sending Rian home too. I have to sort this out. This problem is all based on me." 
"You don't have to do this alone, though. I bet you Rian won't go anywhere either. It's useless, Charlotte, because we are your team members. We will help you." Charlotte pondered for a minute. 
"Fine. But you must listen to me, then. I don't know exactly what's going to happen, but this might not end well." 
"How did Fred even let you go?" Charlotte only snorted. By this point, they'd just reached outside interrogation. She repeated the same thing to Rian, and then she made her way into the room alone. 

Just like before, she kept her calm as much as she could. In her hand was a large file that had been handed to her by Rian, and she gently placed it on the table. She hadn't exactly looked at her brother yet, and pulled out six to seven different photographs which featured different crime rscenes. 
"Seven murders. Five kidnappings. Three blow-ups. What kind of point are you trying to prove?" 
"That I can do all that."
"I'd hardly call murdering seven people showing off." 
"So you're prompting me to do more?"
"It's illegal, Malfoy. You'll be put away for it."
"Aren't you a Malfoy, too? Or are you now one of those blood traitors?" He was leaning back in his chair, smirking. 
"Hardly blood traitors. Just decent people," Charlotte defended. "Who'd never murder someone for fun." 
"What a shame, indeed. I suppose you want to cut off all ties to our family, then?" 
"Why are you doing this?" Charlotte fast tracked. 
"This-" Charlotte waved her hands over the photos. "Is it special activity? Orders?"
"Maybe. Who knows?" At that moment in time, Whitmore walked into the room. 
"Ms Malfoy, I'll take it from here. Go home," Whitmore instructed. "It's been a long day for you." And Charlotte just knew better than to argue with him. 
"Yes, sir." 

As she left the room, both members of her team joined her. 
"What's it now, boss?" Rian asked. 
"We wait until morning. Whitmore will have a meeting with me to show me the investigation. In the meantime, there is something else I need to discuss with both of you." They walked out to the carpark, which kind of was pretty much useless when Charlotte thought about it. Only a select few used it. They stopped just outside the building. 
"Whitmore thinks we could have another member to the team. In three days, a foreign operative from Pakistan will be coming over to join us, seeing as there's activity from some wizards here that are making them worried anyway. Her name is Amina Sakhi." Both men blinked. 
"And you're choosing to tell us now because..?" Rian asked after a while. 
"Just remembered. And be. Nice," Charlotte warned. 
"Yes, boss," both agreed, synchronised. From the bush behind her, Charlotte heard a rustle. She turned to look at it. Next to her, Nott pointed his wand at the bush and muttered something, which was probably 'revelio'. Suddenly, some kid who could not be older than eighteen (so really, just a year or two younger than Charlotte) came flying out, and landed just in front of the trio. All three suddenly stood up straighter, pulling out their wands. 
"Who are you?" Charlotte demanded. 
"They said- I didn't-"
"Who are you?" The kid looked frightened. 

"I didn't mean to! They told me-" 
"Who? Who told you?" Rian asked, not unkindly. 
"They'll kill me," the kid whispered. 
"We can stop them," Charlotte promised. "We can hide you away where 'they' will never be able to find you, if you give us the information." Turned out it didn't take much to change the kid's mind. 
"The Death Eaters."

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