Chapter 11

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A/n: a little lemon near theend and I tried my best please don't judge it's my first one.
(Y/n)'s pov
     "What do you want north?" I questioned kind of annoyed.
"I just want to talk," he said calmly.
     "About what?" I asked.
"About what happened in the old woman's cabin," he replied.
     "What about it?"
"Why were you so heartless towards jack and pitch?"
     "I wasn't heartless towards jack and I was heartless towards because pitch has ruined my life for long enough," I told him.
"Well, you should talk to jack, he's kind of hurt by you screaming at him," north spoke.
      "Whatever, can I go?" I questioned.
"Yes," he turned his back to me.
    I walked out of his office and went to bunny's Warren I needed a calm place to think, and it wasn't going to happen at the workshop.

Jacks pov
    I was walking around the castle when suddenly I was tackled by tooth.
"Tooth what are you doing?" I asked
      "Hugging you," she stated.
       "Because you need one after I tell what I'm fixing to tell you," she explained.
"Okay, well would you tell me?" I questioned.
       She let go, she took me to where (y/n) was, I didn't quite understand. I sat there for a few and she looked like she was about to cry. I got up, but bunny got there before I did so I hid. I can't believe what I heard bunny say to her. I just left and went back to the workshop.

(Y/n)'s pov
   I was sitting on a rock with my face in my knees and my arms covering my face. I heard someone so I looked up and saw it was bunny. I didn't say anything I just looked at the ground. He sat down beside me.
"What's wrong?" He asked me.
     I just shook my head because I was too close to crying to even talk. He hugged me, and I just ended up crying on him. I cried for a while out of frustration of everything that's happened.
    "Where's jack? I need to apologize for how I acted earlier I was kind of a bitch," I explained to bunny.
"Last I saw he was at the workshop," bunny said.
     "Okay, well I'm fixing to leave so if you see jack tell him I'm looking for him please?" I asked.
"I will, but before you go can I tell you something?"
      "Yea, you know you can tell me anything," I told him.
"Do you love jack?" He asked me.
       "Yea I guess you could put it that way." I smiled to myself.
"What do you see in him?" He asked me.
       "Well, I've known him my whole life, he's fun to be around, laid back but serious when needed, and he's sweet," I explained to him.
"What part of that haven't you gotten out of being my friend the past 200 and something years!?!"
        I was shocked to say the least that bunny out of everyone I know would yell at me. I mean it's no that bunny liked me, he was just my friend, my best friend.
          "Why are you yelling at me?" I squeaked trying not to start tearing up.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell... I just..I...." he trailed off.
           "What?" I asked with confusion at what he was trying to tell me.
"You'll never believe me."
              "Try me."
"Okay well here goes nothing...I love you and I've been in love with you ever since I laid eyes on you. You just caught my eye that day we met the way you had looked at me with so much happiness that I thought I'd have to hold on to a tree not to fly away with the wind. I love you (y/n)," he said.
                "Um...I...don't know what to say Honestly," I told him.
"You don't have to say anything but I want you to think about this if I love you and jack loves you too who will you pick? I don't want you to have to choose but I just need to know who you love. Me or Jack. You can let me know anytime your read which could be years from now I just need to know," he said.
           "Okay... well I'm gonna go think about this," I told him.
He nodded.
         It had been a couple of hours since bunny confessed and I hadn't a clue of how to tell jack or how to go about handling this. I was so confused, and I just needed to see jack smiling at me, hugging me, and kissing me. Making me feel special like always. I was walking to Norths office when I heard some people talking from a room. Ever so curious was I to know who was talking I walking in the direction of the talking as I got closer I knew jack was with tooth and I decided to listen to what they where talking about. This is what I heard.
    "Just talk to her," Tooth said.
"I don't want to bring something like that up," he said," it'll get akward and she may just walk off."
     "Well if she loves as much as she says she does then she won't do that," Tooth said there was something in her voice jealousy, anger, sadness. I couldn't place it.
"What's wrong tooth are you jealous that I'm with (y/n) instead of you?" He asked could physically hear her teeth grind together.
      "Not what I was saying, do you want my most honest opinion?" She asked anxiously/sadly.
"Yes, you know I do," he answered impatient but calm.
       "I honestly don't think she loves as much as she says she does. I mean she left to go fight with pitch, she's had you in tears more times that I can count, she's yelled at you for no reason and now this come on jack face it yall just aren't meant to be," Tooth said.
"She left because pitch threatened me and everyone she loves, we are going to fight and she yelled at me because she was dealing with pitch and she apologized for it and this last thing was all bunny it's not like she told him she loved him back or anything," he said defending me.
           "Whatever when you wanna face what's right in front of you then come talk to me because I have never left you, I have never yelled at you, and never made you cry so when you decide who really loves you let me know," she said.
    I walked away pissed beyond belief that tooth would do that. Flat out tell jack she was in love with him, talk shit about me and what did bunny have to do with anything? I was so mad I didn't even realize that I had started crying. I was such an emotional mess at that moment that when jack walked up to me I just wanted to ignore him.
    "Hey, babe...what's wrong?" He asked as soon as he saw my face.
"Like you wouldn't know," I scoffed and in his defence he really didn't know.
    "I really don't know so can you please tell me?"
"What don't we start with how buddy buddy you and tooth have become," I stated. I had seen them around together laughing not even noticing me most of the time when I would walk in until like 15 to 20 minutes after I was in the room.
     "We are just friends I promise there is absolutely nothing going on between us," he said.
"Whatever," I scoffed again.
       "Well, since we are on then what about you and bunny what where you and him talking about earlier?" He asked.
   "Nothing it has nothing to do with you so what does it matter?" I asked. 
          "Oh it matters so explain," he demanded.
"No you first tell me what yall were talking about in an in closed space where no one could see you hmm? What was do damn important?" I asked him getting louder.
          "No... you go first," he said.
"No if you don't wanna talk about it then I'll be at my hut," I said and flew away.
       He followed me, of course, I knew jack, he wasn't done but I was if he didn't want to talk about him and tooth that was fine he didn't have to talk and neither did I. I got there in 1 hr and 20 minutes tops and I walked in. I looked around and sat on my bed. Jack came in 1 minute later and looked at me with those eyes his ice blue eyes. They had so much emotion in them with one look.
          He opened his mouth to say something but closed it cause he didn't know what to say. I looked down at my hands and spoke very quietly.
"I just want to say that I heard you and tooth talking in that room I heard what she said about me, but I have to know what do you think do you think I actually love you or do you think that I was faking it all?" I asked quietly trying not to look at jack I didn't want to see the truth about his love for her, about him thinking I was a lair, about everything I didn't want to see it in his eyes.
     "Look at me," he said softly.
I shook my head," just tell me the truth, do you love her?"
       "Look at me," he stated once more, more demanding this time.
I couldn't stop the tears from falling when I looked at him. I just started sobbing into my hands, he came over and hugged me pulled me in his lap he said.
      "No matter what your mine and I'm yours I love you not her. She has been with me for most of my life. She's not the love of my life you are and don't ever forget that. Look at me."
Still sobbing hard I did my best to look at him and all he did when I tilled my head was kiss me nice and gentle and then harder and he deepened the kiss repositioned me so I was straddling him.
      He flipped us so he was on top of me and kissing me like life depended on it. He broke away looked at me (and I had quit crying at this point) and I just subtly nodded. And he removed my cape like the one he use to wear. He the processed to my footwear. He kissed me hard and explored my mouth with his tounge causing me to moan, he made me feel this longing. Something,  I had never felt before and we broke apart for air. He went to my neck, leaving kisses all the way down to my collar bone and then back up on the other side I moaned louder and I took off his shirt. He groaned against me and I could feel his hard on press against me, he then shucked his pants and footwear together. How he did it I've no clue.
         He then proceeded to remove my dress. I was left in my bra and panties and he was left in his boxers He groaned looking at me and i had a full complete view of his boner. Just looking at his body made me groan. Oh my lord did he have some abs, he had a six pack it wasn't very visable but it was there. He leaned down and kissed me harder this time we both moaned into each others mouth. He left kisses down my neck and to my chest. Where he undid my bra, took one of my breasts into his mouth and started sucking, pulling, nipping at it. With the other he massaged with his fingers tugging at my nipple with his fingers. He started grinding his boner on my viginia then he switched and repeated the process on the other breast. He had me a moaning mess by the time he was done with my breasts. He traveled south with butterfly kisses down to the line of my panties. He then took both hands on either side and pulled them sown slowly until they were off all the while never breaking eye contact with me.
      He then looked at me and I felt exposed and embrassed so I hid my face as best l could and he grabbed my hands and put them above my head and told me not to hide my face or body for I was perfect. He then kissed me and I slid his boxers off. After his boxers were off he kissed me and deepened it. While I was distracted he had my legs apart and was rubbing my clit in circles I was moaning heavily. We broke apart for air and he found the sweet spot on my neck that had me moaning louder than he'd made me go so far. He moved his hand into my viginia and started moving one finger in and out of me very slowly he moved his mouth to my breasts also his spare hand. He applied another finger to my entrance and then a third. He then moved his mouth southward and put his mouth on my clit and started to rub his tounge against my clit. I felt like I was gonna explode. I felt my core tighten but just before I hit my climax he stopped. Looked at me with the are you ready expression. I gave him the just get on with it look and I was like death glare mixed. He lined up with my entrance and me being a virgin it was gonna hurt. So I mentally prepared myself for the pain he pushed all the way in and I almost cried he gave me more time than I thought a guy could give a girl and then when the pain subsided I told him it was fine.
    He started slow and the gradually sped up. He kissed me hard and then attacked my neck. I was moaning everytime he would thrust into me. "Faster," i said. "Harder."  He went faster and harder. "Oh.... my....God....mmm..."
"God.....bless (y/n).......". I could tell he was reaching his climax and so was I. We hit our climax together and I screamed out his name. He pulled out and laid beside me.
      We were both out of breath and tired. "Good night baby I love you," he told me.
"I love you too," I kissed him and we feel asleep after he pulled the covers over us.

A/n: okay so hello dear readers hope you liked this chapter let me know how you liked it by commenting and um please vote... please don't judge the lemon.. I tried it's not the best but it my first hoping to get better as I go being an author. Anyway thinks for reading this far and I'll update when ever I update I guess bye loves to all stay beautiful happy muffins. Bye.

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