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I feel Austin move closer from behind and holding me tightly."W-what a-are y-you d-doing?" I stutter feeling weak."Oh, nothing." He says and I try to push him away but he keeps his arms locked around my waist."I-I'm trying t-to wash the d-dishes," I tell him.

"You can do them, what's distracting you?" He asks in a light tone."Y-you." I say simply."I'm distracting you now, huh?" He whispers softly and bites his bottom lip, I nod slowly."Mhm." I hum and I turn my head a little so I can see him. He starts to move away from me and I stay frozen in place.

"You okay, Ali?" Jacob asks walking into the kitchen."Yea, I'm fine." I smile at Jacob then I look over at Austin, he smirks and winks at me."Okay..." Jacob opens the fridge and grabs a water bottle, then looks at me and walks out. Austin walks over to me and whispers in my ear,"Later."

Austin walks out of the kitchen and I finish washing the dishes. Later? What was that all about? Ohmygosh my heart...Look what he made me do look what he made me do look what he just made me do look what he just made me do, get it? Taylor Swift? Hahahahaha nevermind wrong time to say that...

After I'm done doing the dishes I walk into the living room where Jacob is and I sit next to him on the couch, he looks at me."What were you and Austin doing in the kitchen?", He asks randomly."Nothing," I tell him, looking around the room."It's always nothing." He mumbles with a mean expression on his face.

"What?" I ask looking at him confused."Ya heard me, you and Austin are always doing 'Nothing' apparently." He stands up."Are you okay, Jacob?" I ask concerned."No! I'm not okay! You always lie to me and I'm always going with it!" He yells angrily."What's going on?" Austin walks in.

"Just cause your mother's dead doesn't mean you should lie to me! Just cause you got reject and played by a guy doesn't mean to lie! You're a big fat liar and you get on my nerves! I can't believe all these years you didn't see, you're a fool! You're a freak! You act all crazy when it comes to boys and your faces get all read but when it comes to me I guess you're "Comfortable" around me, you can"trust" me!" He hollers and I look up at him with wide eyes and my eyes start watering.

"Why would you say that Jacob? That was really rude." Austin jumps in."You're hurting her feelings.","I don't care! She lied to me now shut your trap Austin no one is talking to you!" He yells furiously."What's g-gotten in t-to you J-jacob?." I stutter with tears falling down my face and I stand up, I slap him then run upstairs to my room locking the door behind me.

Jacob's P.O.V

"What's g-gotten in t-to you J-jacob." She stutters with tears falling down her face and she stands up, she slaps me then runs upstairs to her room. As I realize what I said I slap myself for being dumb. Austin looks at me angrily and shakes his head in disappointment."What did she do to deserve this from you? You're her best friend." He says.

I look at him waiting for him to go run after her."You're not going to go after her?" I ask in confusion and he crosses his arms."You made her sad, so you have to go apologize. See if I made her sad, which I'm not going to try. I would apologize." He tells me stepping aside so that I can go after her and so I do.

I walk up the stairs slowly and go towards Alison's room, I knock on the door lightly and I hear a quiet."Come in." I open the door looking inside and I see Alison face down into the pillows, I sigh and sit on the corner of her bed."I'm sorry, Alison.","Save it." She states with her face still in the pillows.

"No, I didn't mean to spaz on you I just got irritated because you mostly hang out with Austin and never with me as much, I like hanging out with you and it's always fun but it's like you barely agnolige that I'm even here even though I invited you to come with us. But I just wanted to say sorry and I didn't mean what I said, I will be leaving now." I tell her and stand up walking to the door and opening the door, I walk out closing the door behind me and I walk to the room that I picked, I open the door walking in and closing the door behind me.

Alison's P.O.V.

He leaves after apologizing and I sit up lifting my face out of the pillows on my bed, I look down and think for a second. But I do hang out with Jacob, he's the reason I came here and I don't get it; it's confusing... I stand up looking around, I decide to go downstairs to get some water so I walk to the door and open it slowly not trying to make a lot of noise. I walk down the stairs and past the living room going into the kitchen, when I walk into the kitchen Austin is sitting at the table playing a game on his phone and once he feels my presence he looks up from his phone, he looks up at me and smiles.

"Are you okay now?" He asks and stands up, I nod opening the fridge and grabbing a cold water bottle. Austin comes over and when I close the fridge door, He traps me in between his arms. I look up at him slowly making eye contact with him and he moves his face closer to my face with only a few inches away from my face."W-what are y-you doing?" I ask gulping afterward."I told you that we were gonna finish later." He whispers lightly in my ear.

"W-well I-I didn't think y-you were s-serious." I stuttered trying to breathe."Well, I am." He smirks and tilts his head a little, going in for a kiss and I look at his lips. He puts his lips on mine and after I realize whats going on, I close my eyes and kiss him back putting my hand in his hair. We have been kissing for a minute non-stop until we hear the front door open and parents talking, laughing.

Austin and I move away from each other fixing our hair and clothes, we try to catch our breaths and we run to the table sitting down, acting like we didn't do anything. Mrs&Mr.Butler comes into the kitchen looking at me and Austin, we look up at them and they smile at us."You guys okay in here?" Mrs.Butler asks, Austin and I nod at the same time.

"Yes, we're fine." I smile sweetly at them and they scan our faces one last time before leaving us alone in the kitchen. We look at each other for a second in silence until we both start bursting out into laughter and smile at each other remembering what they were just doing before they came home, he winked at me before getting up and leaving the kitchen with me sitting there blushing.


Heyyyy!Sorry that I haven't been updating often but I'm trying..I'm just going through a lot right now:( I hope you guys will understand and I know that's not a good excuse but I'm still so sorry. I'll try my best to update faster and if you actually read these little notes at the end of my chapters then thank you. I know that I haven't been myself lately but it's just that all the times that I stayed strong trying to hold on all of that is coming back but my depression is hitting harder 10x worse than it already was and I know I'm confusing but I'm very bipolar and annoying. Well, I'm gonna stop boring you guys out and again sorry.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next chapter!

Pray for me to get better please. ><

Love You Guys!

Byeeee! My Lil Kuties!



My Best friend's Cousin | Austin Butler | ✔Where stories live. Discover now