[6] mean

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I wake up to Austin looking at me, I squint because of the light and I look at Austin."What are you doing in here?" I ask curiously."Waking you up." He states smiling sweetly."More like being creepy staring at me while I'm sleeping." I giggle and sit up in bed.

"Sure, whatever floats your boat." He shakes his head walking towards the door but he stops before leaving."Oh, yea... Get dressed we're going somewhere.","Okay... Wait where are we going?" I curiously question."Dunkin Donuts." He chuckles and leaves the room. Yay! Food! I'm hangry! Especially Donuts yum yum yum yum!

I get up out of bed and go to the closet picking an outfit out and finding a perfect one. Before putting it on I have to get in the shower so that's what I'm doing. I grab my towel and head to the shower, getting out after I'm done and I put my outfit on going to the bathroom after. I put light makeup on in the bathroom then I leave and go downstairs, I see Austin and Jacob sitting on the couch of the living room talking.

I walk in and sit next to Austin, they both look at me and stay quiet. I look over at them and lift my left eyebrow up."What are you two staring at?" I cross my arms furiously and they both burst into laughter."What's so funny?","Now I'm pissed." I stand up and they stop laughing."Sorry," Jacob says and looks down trying to hold back his laugh.

"What was so funny!?" I ask angrily."You are so easy to fool," Austin states and starts laughing again."What do you mean?!" I look at him confused."There isn't a Dunkin Donuts here." He starts laughing more and he holds his stomach."You...believed...me" He says between breaths.

"What!? That's not funny!" I punch Austin and Jacob's arms, they stop laughing and they both look at me."I'm actually really hungry, you can't play with me like that," I whine and cross my arms again in frustration."Well we were prepared for that, so don't worry," Jacob states."Breakfast is in the kitchen."

"Okay good." I drop my arms to my side and walk into the kitchen smelling sausage, eggs, pancakes and etc. I grab a plate from the cabinet and start putting food onto it, once I'm done, I sit at the table and start stuffing my face. I hear footsteps so I look up and see Austin staring straight at me, I gulp my food down my throat and look into his gorgeous eyes.

"I'm still mad at you.." I state looking away and down at my food."Aw Alison don't be mad at me, I did it for a reason." He tells me."And that reason was?" I ask looking up at him again."To see your reaction." He explains and comes over, sitting down across from me.

I nod my head and continue to eat the stack of food I have on my plate, he watches me but I don't notice until I look up and see his eyes on me."W-what?" I ask embarrassed, my face turning as red as a tomato."I didn't say anything." He answers, smiling at my sudden embarrassment."Why are you blushing?"

His smile turns into a smirk and he looks me deep in my eyes, I don't look at him or answer his question so he gets up and I start to get nervous because I don't know if he's mad but No. He makes me stand up gently and he pulls me close to him softly, he brings his face close to mine with our lips only centimeters away and I look up into his eyes, he looks right back at me and he bites his lip causing me to look down at his lips. Those plump delicious lips. They look so soft, I can probably bite into them.

I feel his breath on my ear and I snap out of my trance."You're cute when you're mad." He chuckles, putting his fingers on my chin and lifting my face up to look up to him. He stares at my lips then up at my eyes and I blush, He also slides his hands down to my hips and I shiver a little under his touch.

He gets on my nerves but I can't stay mad at him... He's too irresistible and oh there are no words to explain how hot he is and how crazy he makes me feel."Well um I have to go finish up this paper.. um, I was doing so bye." I manage to get out of his grip and I start to walk away until I feel him grab my wrist, he pulls me to him once again and looks deep into my eyes once more.

"Are you trying to get away from me Ali?" He lifts an eyebrow and chuckles, I blush and look away from him."N-no, w-why would I b-be?" I stutter, trying not to show how weak he is making me."I told you I have that paper.","Oh yea? What's the paper about then?" He asks, knowing I was lying.

"Um, uh. It's about how phones and electronics changed the environment and is messing up children's brains." I come up with randomly, and I look at him to see if he believes me."Mmm, so you expect me to believe that? Am I making you nervous ,Hills?" He smirks slightly and moves in closer until we hear footsteps. Austin moves away from me and I sit back down to where I was. Jacob comes in and goes straight to the food, not paying attention to us.

Austin grabs a glass and puts water in it, taking a sip and setting the cup down on the counter, and he leaves the kitchen. Jacob sits down in the seat across from me and I look at him, remembering yesterday. I frown a little and stand up, walking out of the kitchen and going up to my room. I pull out my sketch book and start drawing my feelings away. Whenever I felt some kind of way, I've always drew them instead of writing in a diary.

I'm not much of a writer and I'm definitely not going to write down how I feel knowing that someone can just come in here and read it, so it's better if I just draw how I feel so that no one see's how I feel specifically. How I feel right now, I feel like our kiss was magical last night, Austin and I's kiss. It felt like I've been kissed by an angel and I want to kiss him again, is that wrong? even if it is, I don't care.

Austin's P.O.V.

What is it? Why does she make me feel this way? I mean, yea, she's beautiful and her personality is amazing but I've never felt this way before about anyone. She brings the man out of me and makes me want to do things that I'd probably never do. And that kiss, wow that kiss, it was, magical. It just feels so right with her, like I can be myself around her and I feel what she feels, like we're connected in a way.

As I'm laying on my bed, with my legs crossed and looking up at the ceiling. I hear a light knock on my door so I look over and see my Aunt Karen, she comes over and sits at the end of my bed. I sit up and look at her."So, what's with you and Alison? You both have been acting weird." Once I hear her ask, I gulp and play with my fingers."Well, um, nothing really." I tell her and she doesn't believe me.

"There has to be something going on, you can tell me Austin, I'm your Aunt." She states and puts her hand on my shoulder."Okay, fine, I like her. Maybe even love her but I'm not sure yet." I explain to her. I tell her about all the great moments Alison and I had, and about how I feel about her, about everything and all the details. She just nods in reassurance and understands it all, understands why we've been acting weird.


Heyyyy!! I'm sorry that I haven't been updating much but here's this until the next one and I'm sorry I kept you guys waiting, I've just been caught up with school and drama that I never have time to focus on my stories but since it's the end of the year and summer is only in a few days, I'm going to update hopefully weekly if not then I'm sorry. I hope you enjoy this chapter, I worked really hard and I have been working on it for two months because I had writer's block but It's fine now.

I hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next chapter!

Love You Guys!

Byeeee! My Lil Kuties!



My Best friend's Cousin | Austin Butler | ✔Where stories live. Discover now