[7] i sense drama

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"Can I ask a question?" She looks at me and I nod." Does Jacob know?","No. Only because I wasn't sure if I should or not." I explain to her."I think you should, that is his best friend after all. he has the right to know." She tells me and I agree. Jacob deserves to know. I should tell him."Okay, I will let you all figure this out on your own." She tells me, standing up walking out of my room.

I lay back down on my bed and look up at the ceiling, imagining what it would be like if life wasn't so difficult, where everybody can be happy and proud or not afraid to tell the people close to you something that you kept a secret from them. I hope Jacob doesn't hate me after...

Alison's P.O.V.

As I'm in my room with my sketchbook in hand drawing away at the sketch of Austin and I's kiss, I feel this tingly feeling inside of me and I smile slightly. Before I can finish my thought I hear a sudden knock at the door and I tell that person to come in setting the sketch down upside down so they don't see. Mrs. Butler comes in and sits next to me on the bed, I smile at her and she returns the smile.

"So you and Austin?" She lifts her eyebrow and looks at me with a slight smirk on her face."What about us?","You think I don't know?" She makes a firm expression and I look at her with confusion."Know about what exactly?" I furrow an eyebrow and she looks at me for a second before speaking again.

"You two have been sneakin around, thinkin no one would notice?" She smiles slightly."Oh." Is all that comes out of my mouth then I start to continue, "how did you know?","I just know, but I do think you and Austin should figure it out before telling Jacob." She said and her words burned my heart a little, I put my hand on my chest and she looks at me."You okay, Ali?"

"Yea, I'm fine. I'm just scared... I don't want Jake to hate me." I tell her honestly taking deep breaths."Well, even if he does which I highly doubt he will if he isn't fine with you two being together then he isn't being a good friend, don't stress it, honey, Okay?" She comments and I nod, she looks at me one last time before leaving the room. I sit there for a little before deciding to get up and walk over to Austin's room, as I look down walking to his room I bump into someone so I look up and see Austin.

"Hey, Austin I need to talk to you," I tell him and he looks me in the eye."Yea, I do too." He states and turns around walking to his room." come on, we can talk in my room." He doesn't look at me until he closes the door behind me and sits down."I know we aren't a thing and all.. but I think we should tell Jacob about how we feel about each other." He indicates hesitantly and I look him in the eyes.

"What if we were a...thing?" I comment and he looks at me right away."What are you saying?" He questions with a slight smile creeping up on his lips but I just give him look and he knows what I'm saying."Alison Grace Hills.","Yes, Austin Jon Butler?" I ask already knowing what he's going to ask me, it's obvious.

"would you do the honors of being my...best friend-" wait hold up a second, this whole time I'm thinking,'oh Ali and Austin are gonna end up together' he asks her to be his BEST FREAKIN FRIEND!?! wow Austin that's just cold... I'M JUST MESSING WITH Y'ALL!😂😂 did you guys really think I'd do that to you?


This is what he actually said: "would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He asks with a bright smile, showing his charmingly nice shiny white teeth."No.," I stated simply and suddenly his smile falls into a frown, I wait for a little before telling him it was a joke."I was kidding, of course, I would love to. but now you see how it feels to be tricked when you really wanted something." Then he grows more calm and his smile creeps back up to his lips."I did do that to you with the donuts ha."

I lean over and give him a large hug, he hugs back with his hands on my waist."okay, we should tell Jacob before it's too late." he nods in agreement and Austin gets up, he calls Jacob upstairs into his room and Jacob makes his way up the stairs. He walks inside and looks at me then at Austin,"what's this all about?"

"Ali and I have feelings for each other and now we're dating.." he spills out quickly and Jacobs eyes slightly grow wide."when did this happen?" Then Austin and I look at each other."just a few minutes ago." After I say that, he falls to the ground with tears in his eyes, Austin and I look at him shocked and confused.

"What's wrong, Jacob?" I asked in shock and Jacob looks up at me with tearfilled eyes."y-you really don't know?" I just look at him in confusion."know what?"

"That I'm in love with you and I always have been! Someone told you and you didn't believe them! Alison, I'm in love with you." He hollors slightly and gets up running out of the house, I stand there shocked at his words and Austin snaps out of it running after Jacob.

Austin's pov:*Outside*

"Jacob! Jacob!" Austin screams after him and Jacob turns around, looking at Austin with tears running down his cheeks but he doesn't say anything, his lips tremble as each tear falls."Jacob, I'm sorry. I didn't know.","You didn't know my a**" Jacob states slightly with no emotion and his tears start to dry up."Jake.","Don't even talk to me." He scoffs and walks away, to the middle of nowhere and far enough away from the house.

Austin just stands there not knowing what to do and he walks over to the house opening the door slowly, he looks in to see Ali on the floor hugging her knees crying, I walk over to her closing the door behind me,"are you okay, Ali?" She looks up at me with that cute puppy face of hers."I always hurt the people I love. I cause problems that aren't needed." She tells me and I hold her in my embrace."don't say that, no you don't."

Heyyyy! Long time no read, am I right? Sorry that I haven't been updating. I've just been really busy these past few months and it has indeed been stressful. Don't worry after I publish this I'll get right to typing the next chapter, I'm all over the place right now but I will start the next chapter and when I'm done with that I'll type the one after that so I can publish them faster. Well anyways, have a great day and I hope you enjoyed!

Stay tuned for the next chapter and I have other fanfictions and stuff.

Love you guys!

Byeeee! My lil kuties!


- kotah🌸

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