Chapter 1

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Zim Pov.

It was a cold October Monday I really do hate the cold I thought in my mind but every Monday something in particular in my locker made me a little bit warmer.

I then walked into the highskool front doors and went to my locker like I anticipated a note fell out of my locker and then picked it up from the ground and opened it, it said "You are my sun, you bring warmth to me when I see you I hope you have a wonderful day".

"Same to you I really wish I could meet you in real life and just hug you" I said in a hushed whisper I then went to class and sat in my seat then I saw Dib enter right after I did Me and Dib I guess are friends now after my tallest told me my mission was fake and they wanted me gone and on the same day dib snuck into my lab and when he saw me crying he comforted me so he has approval of being Zim's friend and then class started but during class I kept seeing Dib looking at me in the corner of my eye.

" Why is the Dib-thing staring at me" I thought then the school bell rung signaling the end of the school day I then saw Dib rush out of class "well he's in a hurry" I thought I then pick up my books and went to my locker and like always a note fell out of my locker as I opened it this time it said " You are sweeter than cake itself and cuter than a kitten well in my eyes" but at the very end of the paper there was something else written it said P.S-I heard you say that I made you warm when you read my little notes I'm glad you like them so much and I wished I could also hug you but I can't reveal my identity just yet but soon enough".

"I can't believe my secret admirer heard me say that that's kinda of embarrassing wait a minute if my secret admirer heard that then they must have been close to me at my locker" I thought closing my locker and walking out of the highskool as I walked home my mind was clouded with many thoughts one of them was " Who was close to my locker when I said that there were only a few girls and boys around me and the Dib-thing then I thought for a small amount of time "Could my secret admirer be a b-boy" I thought.

"I mean I really like this person does it matter if it's a boy or a girl" I thought "No it doesn't matter I like the person whatever they are " I said in a whisper I finally reached my house and walked in and saw Gir watching the Angry monkey show with Mini-Moose.

"HEY MASTAH" Gir said in a yell
"Hi Gir" I said in a depressed voice Gir then jumped off the couch and hugged me and said "What's wrong mastah" I then looked into his robotic eyes and said "It's just my secret admirer it's just a little depressing to not know someone you like that much" I said remebering the time when I had told him I had a secret admirer he then sang ~Zim and secret admirer sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G~ He than said "He then said "It's ok mastah you meet them soon and get married one day" He than ram off and yelled "MY TAQUITOS".

I then started to watch t.v for a about 30 minutes I then got bored and deciding to go to Dib's house so I then got up and walked out since I forgot to take my off my wig and contacts off when I got home I just walked out the front door and closed it.

I finally reached the Membrane residents I didn't knock on the door to see if Dib was there or not I just simply got my pak legs out and climbed up to his window and then jumped in his window he was no where to be seen "I guess he went out for a bit I guess I'll wait here for his return" I said out loud.

I started to look around in Dib's room and rummage for his drawers for snacks I then found a chocolate bar in one of them and started eating it then the door swung open to reveal Dib himself.

"Hello Dib" I said he was startled U was there and he fell backwards from surprise I then help him back up he said "Z-Zim what are you doing" he asked "Well I came here for you to entertain me since I am bored" he then said "ok then I guess we could possibly play some video games" he then gestured to his xbox 360 " Ok then" I said he then started the Xbox 360 up and put in a disc called Black ops and handed me a controller.

Before he started the game he said" Would you like to take off your contacts and wig to make yourself more comfortable if you want too of course " he said.

"Yeah I guess it would make me more comfortable" I said while taking off my wig and contacts he than started the game and we played for a few hours until it turned dark I didn't even notice it started raining Dib then said "Shouldn't you be going home soon" but he then looked out the window and saw it raining he said "You possibly brung a umbrella with or not" gesturing to the window I then said "No I didn't I guess I will have to walk home in agony I guess" I then got up and before I could reach the door handle Dib grabbed my arm and said "You know if you want too you could spend the night at my place".

I thought for a moment I then decided to stay for the night he then went to his closet and changed into his sleepwear while he was doing that I looked at his physique and thought " Could he be my secret admirer......."No that's insane he would like me like that".

I guess I was staring at him for a long period of time because he then said "uhh Zim do you want something" I then got out of my train of thought I said " Oh sorry for staring I was just thinking" while having a blush appear on my face he said "Oh ok then" We then got into bed together and went into a peaceful sleep.

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