Chapter Four: Heartbreak

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Mary was at the hospital promptly at 6 o'clock the next morning

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Mary was at the hospital promptly at 6 o'clock the next morning. Isobel briefed her on the night: Matthew had not stirred at all, but the last hour he had started to, so it was likely he might finally be coming round. If he did, she needed to get Major Clarkson immediately while he was conscious, so he could complete his assessment and diagnosis. She outlined the procedures again, and said that Nurse Ellison had offered to supervise her until Sister Thomsen arrived mid morning, so that she could go home and rest.

"What a good idea," she said, looking appreciatively at Nurse Ellison across the room. "Can we trust that Mrs Bird and Molesley will take good care of you?"

Isobel gave her a tired smile. "I know that they will. And Mary, thank you so much for stepping up like this."

"It is nothing," she said.

"It is a lot more than nothing," said Isobel fervently, giving her a look of real gratitude. In the past year, her impression of Mary had completely changed. Gone was the vain, haughty girl she had first met back in 1912. In her place was a hard working, dedicated young woman who never complained. She'd watched in some amazement how Mary had taken so quickly to her role as a VAD. She never flinched at the most unpleasant of tasks that might come a nurse's way. And she had a calmness and unflappability about her that both the patients, and the other nurses appreciated.

Isobel left, and Mary started on the morning's tasks, beginning with checking and cleaning each wound and re-dressing as necessary. This was something she didn't need supervision with immediately.

Around mid morning, Matthew began to stir. "Matthew," she said gently "Matthew, can you hear me?"

Matthew's eyes swam. He was aware of a terrible stabbing pain in his chest, each time he took a breath. His skin felt like it was on fire. There was something white above him, and then the shape of someone's face. A very nice face framed by dark hair. Someone he knew... things went out of focus again, but after a few minutes his vision started to sharpen, and he realised he was in a hospital and that he was looking at the white ceiling. The nice face was still there. And now he knew who she was. Mary. He felt a warmth steal through him and he started to smile. But where is Lavinia? a voice in his mind was asking. He felt suddenly confused. His body was responding to Mary... but it was Lavinia to whom he had promised his heart. He shut his eyes again, exhausted both by the pain and his conflicted emotions.

Twenty minutes later, he stirred once more, and this time he tried to answer Mary's questions. "Matthew, are you feeling a little less groggy now?"

"Where's Lavinia?" he murmured.

"She will be arriving tomorrow," Mary answered him gently. "Do you know where you are?"

"Yes," he breathed. "Downton."

"I'm going to get Major Clarkson now, try to stay awake. He needs to examine you when you are conscious," He felt the mattress move as she got up, and he had the odd feeling of missing her presence already. He was relieved when she quickly returned, Major Clarkson behind her.

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