Chapter Eight: A Reckoning

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Dr Brookes arrived half an hour late, complaining that the train had been delayed

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Dr Brookes arrived half an hour late, complaining that the train had been delayed. His grumbling was enough for Matthew to take an instant dislike to him. He started to object when Isobel insisted on staying with Matthew and Major Clarkson in the examination room, until Matthew said firmly, "My mother is a senior nurse, and she has been heavily involved in my care these past months. I insist that you let her remain. And I also insist that she be able to ask you questions, as I believe her knowledge will be helpful to you."

Dr Brookes harrumphed, but said, "Very well," and he began to bark instructions at Matthew.

Some bedside manner, Matthew thought in disgust. The examination took some time, and Matthew was exhausted at being poked and prodded and moved around by the end of it. He was very glad that he had got his mother to stay. She managed to keep a steady stream of questions going in Dr Brooke's direction when Matthew had long given up, Dr Brooke's patronising replies starting to defeat him.

When it finally concluded, Dr Brookes was silent for some minutes, and then he looked up and said, "This is my opinion of your situation, Captain Crawley."

"In my view, your spinal cord has been transected, but probably only partially, given you have had some improvement in function. There may be some further marginal improvement, but I do not believe there will be much.

"And on the matter of a return to work, which Sister Crawley informed me you are looking to do in time, I cannot see under any circumstance how you will recover sufficiently to offer any employer an honest day's work. You are an invalid now and the sooner you accept that the better.

"Good day, Captain Crawley," and he stood to leave. "My written report to Major Clarkson will follow," he said turning to exit the room.

"But but..." Isobel protested, also getting to her feet, many unanswered questions on her lips.

"Sister Crawley, I really must be going. My time is precious you know," and with that, he bade them goodbye and left.

Isobel sat back down and exclaimed, "What a horrid little man!"

Major Clarkson rolled his eyes. "And he's supposed to be an expert." He gave a loud sigh.

They both looked at Matthew. He was silent, and his head was bowed.

"Matthew," Major Clarkson countered gently, "I wouldn't put much on what the man said, he overlooked some significant facts and didn't take into account..."

"Well, he's right, isn't he?" Matthew interrupted. "It's time I stopped pretending I might be getting better, and accept I'll be a good for nothing invalid for the rest of my life!" he said bitterly.

Isobel looked at him, her lips tightly pressed together. She was furious with Dr Brookes, and now she despaired for Matthew. He'd just been coming right again, and now this horrid little man had not only dashed his hopes: he had insulted and patronised him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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