Home Sweet Home

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Miri's PoV

Right as Izuku and I are about to reach his home, All Might surprises him.
Here comes the last surprise of the day, I think to myself.

All Might glances at me and in that quick moment I give a superfast nod to him.

All Might starts speaking to Izuku, and I excuse myself.

Izuku already told me which house was his, so I go to the door and knock.

When the door opens, I am greeted by Izuku's mother.

"Oh hello! Who are you?" She asks kindly.

"I'm Miri Miyake. I'm a new friend of Izuku's" I answer politely.

"Oh come in!" She moves aside, opens the door wide, and gestures inside. (Author's note: dang! Did you see that rhyme!?)

I walk in.

"So what brings you here?" She asks me.

I take in a deep breath and tell her the whole story of the wish and everything. After finishing, I pause before asking,
"And I was wondering if you'd let me stay here? And I don't even know if I have a quirk in this world or not."

"Oh sure! You can stay here! I'll take you to the doctor about your quirk problem. It'll be nice to have a girl around!" She smiles at me, as if I'm something she's been missing in her life, and just now found it.

As she walks away, I hear her mutter, "Izuku could use a girlfriend."

I blush and turn away.

Izuku chooses that moment to walk in the door. His face is...wow. He is probably really....happy, elated...I mean, how would someone feel if their all time favorite hero All Might just said they were planning to give you their quirk, the strongest quirk in the world?

"So...you're meeting him at the beach tomorrow morning?" I say to him.
He snaps out of whatever daze he was in, and says, "Yeah. You can come with me if you want."

I glance around his house, trying to hint a certain something.

He gets it, "Oh I'll show you to your room."

My room is plain and perfect.

Gray walls, a dresser, a closet, a nightstand, and a bed.

"You can walk around if you want, it's kind of your house now, so learn the rooms and stuff. My mom and I won't judge. Dinner is in an hour."

"Thank you so much Izuku!"

Home sweet home.

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