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(^ that's Yu. I'm not an artist so I'm sorry it doesn't meet your expectations or whatever, just trying to show you what she looks like)

(2 days later)

Miri's PoV

"Yu?" I wake up and get dressed, but Yu is still sleeping. "Yu, wake up." I poke her cheek.

"What? Oh good morning Miri..." she says sleepily. I show her the time on my phone. "Wha-...wait what!? Oh gosh I overslept!" She jumps out of bed. "Thanks for waking me!"

She yanks her uniform out of our closet and starts to undress. I avert my eyes and tell her, "Yu, we need to do something about your hair. It's a mess!"

"Huh?" I think she looks at a mirror, because then I hear, "Ah! My hair!"

"I'll help you," I offer. "What style do you want?"

"Thanks! Uh, just out, but with... hmm how do I explain?" So instead she scribbles a sketch on a piece of paper and shows it to me.

"Oh, okay. I'll do that." I answer.

Once she finishes changing, I look back at her and sit her in front of our mirror. I start to brush her hair, but it has some serious tangles.

I doubt the villains cares about her hair looking pretty.

So instead I switch to a comb. I use a technique that I learned not to make it hurt even while combing really hard.
"Tell me if it hurts." I order, just in case.

"Kay." She replies.

After the worst tangles are out, I switch back to the brush, and once I finish completely, I step back and say, "Ta-daaa!"

"Wow. It's amazing. Thank you!" She thanks me.

"No prob!" I put my hands on my chest and pretend to be in a dreamlike state. "I love doing hair!"

She starts, "And you know what I love?"


She turns her nose to a beak and pecks my arm hard.

"Ow! Sorry!" I apologize.

"I love that you saved me!"

"Aw, thanks. *cough* and Kirishima *cough*" I add.

She pecks me even harder, and I run out of the room.

After eating breakfast, and brushing our teeth, Izuku, Yu, and I head off to school. But once we step outside, we realize it's pouring.

"Let's just make a run for it!" Yu suggests.

We all start running. When we start getting close to the school, we see Ida in a yellow rain coat.

"Midoriya, Miyake! Hurry and get to class." He says. He glances at Yu. He probably doesn't know her yet.

"But class starts in 5 minutes." Izuku answers.

"Students should always be 10 minutes early!" And he dashes off.

We decide to run faster. And once we're in the school, we're soaked.

"Maybe we should have grabbed jackets..." I conclude.

At least when we walk in the class we're not the only wet ones. Once I sit down, I turn around, and see Yu in her seat. I flash a smile before turning back around. shoes and socks are all soggy any heavy. Maybe I can take them off for now before class starts.
I take my shoes off, and then my socks. Ah, my feet feel so much better, and free.

I see someone staring at me out of the corner of my eye. I turn to my right side. Bakugo is staring at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" I ask him.

"Nothing. It's just that I didn't think you'd be the kind of person to just get comfortable and take off your shoes." He snickers.

"My shoes were wet." I blush a bit, did I really have to take my shoes off?Especially with this kid next to me?

I put my shoes and socks on, cross my arms, and give Bakugo a "happy now!?" look. He seems satisfied, and he puts his legs up on his desk. I copy him. He looks at me and raises and eyebrow, I mirror him.

"Are you copying me!?" He yells.
"Are you copying me?" I mimic.

"Fine. What do you want." He says.

"Watch what you say to me!" I wink at him. I see him clench his fists.
He's gonna kill me now.

I try to keep an even expression. He tries to stare me down, but I stare right back. "Fine. Whatever." Bakugo turns away.
Yes! Success!

I feel a tap on my shoulder, and I turn behind me. Yu points at me, makes a heart with her fingers, and then points at Bakugo.

I frown and make a no way expression. I remember Kirishima sitting right next to her. I smirk, and I point at Kirishima.
She mouths fine to me and I mouth it back. And now we're even.

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