Training with Bakugo

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Miri's PoV

After texting Inko, I tell the heroes, "She can stay where I'm at until she can find her own place."

"That won't be very long! The construction of UA dorms has already started, so once it's done, all of the students will have a place to be!" A hero replies.

Yu and I walk back to our class, who were just starting to leave. Once we get back to class, we're dismissed, and Aizawa also tells us, "There won't be any school tomorrow."

I wait for Izuku in the hallway, Yu already with me. I told her she would be staying with us for a few days. Now I need to tell Izuku. He finally walks out, "Hey Izuku?"

"Yeah Miri?" He replies, and walks over to me and Yu.

"Well, Yu is going to be staying with us until the UA dorms are done! Your mom approved."

"O-okay then, but we don't have extra rooms, so you guys will have to share a room." He tells us.

"That's fine with me." Yu speaks up.
"Then it's fine with me, too." I look at her.

We're about to leave the building when Bakugo storms up to me, "You asked me to train you! So the training starts today!" He looks mad that I'd forgotten.

"Um," I look at Yu and Izuku. "Fine. Yu, Izuku you guys can just go without me."

They walk off.

"So where will you train me?" I ask.

"Just follow me." He aggressively grabs my arm but I shake it off.

"I walk fine without an extra hand, thank you."

So instead I just follow him. We go the way that I usually go to get home, but then we make a different turn.

"It's a park." I state, but then I recognize it. "This is yours and Izuku's childhood park, isn't it."

"Tch. Whatever. It's big so you're training here."

And after that he helps me learn how to use my explosions better. Before we started he told me that we would battle one on one, and the first person to fall down would lose. I failed miserably.

"You really can't fight one on one, can you?" He looks disappointed.

Knowing him, he's probably thinking, 'she can't beat up anyone with those skills!'

So after that, he first explains to me how I can control how big my explosions are, and when to use them. After that, he actually shows me some moves for fighting one on one. He continues to give me tip and reminders as I copy after his moves.

"Now we'll battle again, same rules." He smiles. "I better see improvement.
He charges at me, so I jump over him, and send explosions to his head. He looks unsteady for a second, but recovers. He kicks my legs from the side to trip me, and I almost fall, but I propel myself upwards wth explosions. We continue to go back and forth, until finally, he manages to knock me down.

"Good job. From that battle you seem to run and attack. And if you could, run, hide and attack."
He's got me figured out.

"Yeah, I guess. Well thanks, Bakugo. I never knew you could be so nice and calm." He helps me up, but then what I said registers in his brain, and he drops me.

"What!? I'm always calm and nice!!"



I walk home, and Inko greets me. Then I head to my room. When I walk in, I see Yu laying face-up on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Hi, Yu! How are you feeling?" I ask her.

She looks at me, "I think being away from the villains helped me, I feel perfect! Almost normal. But thank you so much for asking for me to live here, and saving me."

"Of course." I pat her shoulder. To be completely honest, I still feel a bit suspicious with her, but I do my best to erase those negative thoughts. "Oh! I haven't introduced myself. I'm Miri Miyake. The boy with spiky red hair is Eijiro Kirishima." I'm about to go on, but her cheeks turn red, just like his hair. "The plain looking boy with green hair is Izuku Midoriya, and his mom is Inko Midoriya, but you can call her Inko."

She doesn't seem to be listening. I sit next to her in the bed, and wave my hand in front of her face. "Hello? You stopped listening after I said Kirishi- oh, I see." I purse my smile, trying to stop myself from smiling.

She furrows her eyebrows. "There's nothing to see." She paused before adding quickly, "Oh Miri, when you were at that park, was Bakugo training you, or staring into your eyes?" She asks.

I stutter. "Hey how do you know we were at a park?"

"I may or may not have been spying on you. He's so nice to you. If only he could be like that to everyone." She thinks out loud.

warning: main character is about to do her signature stupid move

Okay, I saved this girl from villains, invite her to my new home, and she's gone through a lot. favorite line in this world so far, "I have a secret, and I'm willing to share." She looks confused when I start off, and by then the end, she is stunned.

"Hmm, but I wasn't in the anime or manga?"

"No, for some reason. Maybe you were always a villain but you didn't make it into UA in the anime? Strange..." I trail off in thought.

"Well, we'd better help out Miss Inko, right?" She asks, grinning and standing up.

"Right on!"

A new friend, and she's amazing. But I have to do something about that hair of hers. It's the spitting image of a bird's nest!

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