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Miri's PoV

"Hey Kirishima, what did you do on your extra day?" I ask Kirishima.

"Me? I hung out with Kaminari and Sero!" He grinned and gave me two thumbs up

"What'd you do Miri? On your extra day?" Kaminari asks.

"Well," I smile at Yu. "I spent the day with Yu."

"Cool. Hey Kaguya, what's your quirk?" Kaminari leans over Kirishima to ask her. Yu explains to him about her quirk. "Wow, your quirk's almost as strong as Miyake's quirks!" He says.

I slap him with my tongue, "That was rude!"

Kaminari puts his hands up in surrender, "I'm sorry!"

Then Aizawa walks in the room, "Class big news. The UA sports festival is coming in a few weeks. You guys need to train really hard, because you only get to be in the Sports Festival three times in your life." He has about zero enthusiasm. And he's also covered completely in bandages, making him seem like a talking mummy. But it's really not funny. He got seriously injured back in the USJ.

"Won't there be a lot of pro heroes watching?" Yaoyorozu asks.

"Yes, pro heroes from everywhere in the country will be watching." Aizawa answers.

Mineta looks so afraid, I swear I see a shudder travel through his body. And after that, for the next few months, our class trains at school, home, and any extra time. Bakugo continues to train me.

1 week after Aizawa's announcement.

"I've been training you for a while now Miri, let's see whatcha got. One on one, same rules." Bakugo tells me.
I breathe in and out slowly. This time, Izuku and Yu are watching from a nearby bench. "Start!" Bakugo yells.

He charges at me, and I jump to the side. I send an explosion to his face, causing him to become surprised for a moment. I take this chance to try and push him down, but he snaps out of his zone before I can touch him. He tries to grab my hand and flip me, but I boost both of us into the air, and I manage to pull his hand off of mine. I land hard, but on my feet. We continue to attack and dodge. Then he comes at me, with his arm raised.

Uh oh. He's going to use a big explosion.

"Ah!" I run around trying to avoid him but he's too fast. So I aim a bunch of explosions at the ground so there's dust and smoke blocking his vision.

Unfortunately, it temporarily blinds me too, so I'm running around randomly, and then I smack right into him. I almost fall down, but I aim another explosion at the ground to boost me up. But when we collided, he fell. Once the smoke clears, I can see him clearly on the ground.

I pull him up, and he says to me, "Good job Miri. You beat me." Seems fishy... but I'll accept it this time

"Why thank you, Katsuki," I say, surprised. "And thank you for training me," I thank him. "You've helped me become stronger."

He's probably never been thanked before with such sincerity, because almost immediately his face turn red, and he says, "Uh... You're welcome, I guess. It was nothing."

I raise my hand for a high-five but he doesn't seem to take the hint, so I sadly high-five myself.

"Let's go." I say to my supporting friends.

They laugh and Yu says, "Sure. Why don't you go kiss him goodbye?"

When will she realize I'm not interested in him? I freeze her feet to the ground.
"Huh! That's not fair!" She tries to fly out by growing her wings and flapping hard, and manages shatter the ice after a few tries.

And with that, the three of us head home.

When we open the door, we're met with Inko pursing her lips, her hands clasped tightly. "Izuku, Miri, Yu. The school called—they've already finished building the dorms. They want you all to move there as soon as possible so they can keep the students safe."

Izuku's eyes widen. "I'm... not going to live with you.. Mom?"

"Hey, you're not moving until the weekend, so don't get teary-eyed on me just yet," she laughs half-heartedly.

She then tells us to start packing our stuff (Yu and I didn't have a lot of things, anyways, so we were done in minutes). Once we finish, Yu showers first.

I head to Izuku's room. Wow, I haven't realized how neat it is. On his bed is one large suitcase. I suppose it's not like he needs a lot of stuff.

He zips up the suitcase and notices me. "Hey, Miri! What brings you here?"

"Nothing much, I just realized I haven't had a conversation with you in forever! I talk to Katsuki more than you, and that has got to change, haha!" I laugh. "What have you been up to recently?"

He reaches to his desk and grabs one of his hero notebooks. "I've been taking notes on our classmates' quirks and how they use them to fight and stuff. Wanna see?" He hands it to me.

"Sure!" I take it and open it.

On the first page is Katsuki, no surprise. There's a lot about his quirk and fighting techniques, it almost fills 3 pages alone! The next one is Uraraka.... I guess I haven't really been paying attention to him, because I just now realize how much time he spends with her at school. I continue flipping through his awe-inspiring notes, pausing at my page. It looks to me like he knows more about my quirks than I do! He's even got half a page already on Yu's.

I hand it back to him. "That's so awesome how you take all those accurate notes! Keep it up."

"Thanks, Miri," he smiles from ear-to-ear.

I hear Yu yell, "Miri, you can use the shower now!" I wave to Izuku and make my way out.

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