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Miri's PoV

After that conversation with Bakugo, whenever I look at him, I see him already staring at me, but then he looks away. I can imagine he's thinking about all of the different ways to kill me.

There are 6 more tests, and I can use my quirk to my advantage on all but one of them. On the last one, the one where we throw the ball, Izuku is about to go but then he is pulled to Aizawa Sensei bye his rope things, Aizawa Sensei tells Izuku something, then lets him go.

Izuku then takes the ball, and right when his hand is about to lose contact, Izuku uses 100% One For All on the finger that touches the ball last. The ball goes 756.3 meters! 0.1 more than Bakugo's score! He was the last one to go, so then Aizawa Sensei posts the scores up, and everyone sees that Izuku got last. But then Aizawa says,
"Oh and I was kidding. No one's getting expelled. That was so you'd just try your best."

I see Izuku let out a deep breath. Yaoyorozu gets 1st place, followed by Bakugo, Todoroki, and then me.

"Oh I already figured out no one was getting expelled. I thought you guys had realized it out too. I guess I should have mentioned it." Yaoyorozu explains.

"Yeah, you should have!" The whole class says back.

When everyone gets back inside, the whole class really starts talking and exchanging names, quirks, and phone numbers.

"Wow Miyake! 4th place? Nice going!" Kirishima compliments me.

"You did great too, Kirishima." I say back.

Then me, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Izuku start speaking with each other. Once we're done talking, I feel a hard tap on my shoulder. I spin around, ready to shoot off an angry expression, but in mid turn, I remember. Uh oh, it's Bakugo.

I desperately try to stop turning and I do, but then I bang my knee, and yell "Ow! Uhh!" And I fall out of my chair into Izuku, but facing Bakugo.

With my luck...

This is so embarrasing. But it's not the first time I've pulled a stunt like this.
I then try to turn my head to face Izuku, but since we're so close, I bump his forehead with mine. This is not going well...
"Sorry Izuku! And Bakugo! Umm, wait a sec." I jump out of Izuku's lap, and onto my chair. Then apologize to Izuku again.

Now here comes the worst part. I slowly turn to Bakugo noticing for the first time how much my knee hurts. I grab my knee with both my hands, whimper a little, but otherwise ignore it. "Ah...sorry Bakugo?" I kind of squeal.

Kirishima and Kaminari find this hilarious and take videos with their phones.

Bakugo rolls his eyes and says, "You're a waste of space."

I don't notice that my eyes are squeezed shut and my teeth are clenched. I slowly open one eye and say to him, "That's all? You're not gonna kill me or something?" I stand up quickly. In result of me banging my other knee. "Ow...!"

"I thought about your request. Yeah... I'll train you. Under one condition. You have got to stop doing that." He gestures to my knees and my fallen over chair.

"Yes! Thank you!" I answer. But why would he say yes? He wouldn't risk someone getting near his level, right? He must be planning something bad.

It is now when I notice that the whole class was watching the whole time. After a long period of silence, the whole class bursts out with laughter.

"Shut your mouths before I kill you all!" Bakugo yells. That quiets them down quickly.

And as for my knees, they are turning a bit purple.
And now I have ugly bruises.

"And for your knee, I'll take you to Recovery Girl." Bakugo offers.

Why is he so nice all of a sudden?

"Hah!?" I raise an eyebrow. "Uh. I mean. Yeah, sure. Thanks."

He then takes me to Recovery Girl. There's something off about Bakugo and I finally establish that it's his kindness.

When Recovery Girl kisses my knees, it's like magic. The bruises disappear.

The walk back is extremely and awkwardly silent. Once Bakugo and I sit back down in class, class 1A has a surprise.

"I am here! Walking normally into this classroom!" All Might announces.

There are lots of oohs and aahs and wows and OMG it's hims.

"And now...follow me!" Can All Might speak any quieter than a super loud announcer voice? Oh well.

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