Pool Time - Part II - ft. Yu and Kirishima

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Miri's PoV

Let me tell you, Yaoyorozu's pool? Enormous, no question about it. It was easily larger than the community pools I used to go to. On top of its size, the water is so clear and blue and clean! There's even a mini waterfall.

Clearly, I'm not the only one drooling over her beautiful body of water (does it even classify as a pool?). The whole class is shocked and in awe. After shaking off the surprise, everyone throws their towels and clothes on the tables and chairs and jumps right in. Well, not everyone hops into the pool. Some, like me, ease themselves in, and some use the stairs on the shallow end of the pool.

The water is freezing. It's not exactly a warm day. Yu wades to me. She looks at my suit, and shakes her head. "Tsk." She pretends to faint. "Oh, Miri! How could you have fooled me, your best friend!"

I push her back up. "Hey now- I just didn't want to show too much skin, especially now that the guys are here too!"

I look to the deepest part of the pool, which sinks down five meters. Far up above it, there's the mini waterfall and a slide. Most of my classmates dismiss the slide and jump into the waterfall. I see Kaminari cheering as he dives through the waterfall and deep into the pool. One slip up from him, and we're all toast.

Ashido climbs to the top of the slide and loudly claps her hands. She cups her hands around her mouth. "GUYS, LETS PLAY A GAME!" She then goes on to suggest games we can all play.

At some point during the games, Mineta was sneaking around underwater doing... Mineta things. At least until Ashido used her quirk on his swim trunks. That was a bit disturbing.

After a couple hours of messing around with everyone and having fun, Yaoyorozu got out and when she was back, she was rolling in a large assortment of snacks and fruits. You can imagine how quickly everyone was out and eating.

Kirishima bound over to where Yu and I were sitting. He sat right next to Yu and handed her a snack. "Yu! I got you these banana split sticks, I remember a while ago you said you loved them!"

Yu gasps and allows her beloved redhead to give it to her. She gleefully takes a bite and stomps her legs in pleasure. After she finishes her first bite, she exclaims, "Ahhh, I love it, I love it, I love it!" She turns to Kirishima and sweetly smiles. "Thank you!"

He eyes the snack he gave her. "My pleasure. Say, Yu, that does look tasty. Can I have a bite?"

My hand hovers in front of my mouth and my eyes widen. "Oh," I quietly say. "I see." Time to give these two some space. Good luck, Yu.

I scan the patio (which is even wider than the pool), searching for a possible friend. I consider Jiro, we did exchange a few words earlier. Aoyama perhaps? There are so many of my classmates I'm not even familiar with.

I give in and go to Uraraka. She notices me coming and waves. However, her attention catches onto something else. I look towards where she is looking.

Katsuki had just pushed Izuku into the pool. From what I can hear, it sounds like Izuku had taken the last of the snack his childhood friend had wanted. My former house-mate tries to crawl out, but the ever-looming Katsuki scares him back in.

"Should we do something?" I say, walking up to Uraraka.

She takes her time before answering. "Maybe, could you do your tongue thing and save Deku?"

I extend my tongue all the way to Izuku, grab him, and bring him to where Uraraka and I are standing. He lets out a deep breath. "Thanks, but Kacchan's gonna be super mad now."

He stomps over, fire in his eyes, a terrifying expression on his face. "DEKU. GIVE IT TO ME RIGHT NOW."

Izuku opens his hand, but the once tasty-looking treat is now soggy with pool water. Not to mention, its holder was squeezing it to an unfortunate clenching death.

Katsuki looks at it, then goes back to yelling. "NEVERMIND. I DON'T WANT YOUR WEAK GERMS ANYWAYS."

He marches away and yells at Sero and Kaminari instead. Izuku looks at me and Uraraka. "Thanks again." Him and Uraraka start chatting, so I am left to find someone else, yet again.

I quickly get bored of trying to find someone to talk to, so why not watch Yu and Kirishima instead?

I find a seat a good distance from the two of them then sit down to enjoy the show. They seem to just be talking to each other. Kirishima tucks a lock of Yu's hair behind her ear (how cliché), and her beak pops out. He laughs at her, and her face only gets redder and redder. She manages to go back to fully human again.

Kirishima takes Yu's hand into his and says something. Is it a confession. Please be a confession. She looks confused for a second, but then gets mad once she notices Kirishima had taken all of her snacks without her noticing.

"Just kiss already!" I whisper-yell. Apparently, I said it too loud because Ashido is immediately at my side.

"Who's kissing?" She asks.

"No one, but they had better hurry it up." I point to them, not blinking or looking away from the two.

Ashido lets out an "oooh" before sitting down next to me and watching.

Yu playfully slaps Kirishima, holding out her other hand for her treat back. Instead, he brings a banana split stick up to her mouth. As she gets ready to take a bite, he pulls the treat down and replaces it with his own mouth.

Ashido squeals and I clench my fists out of excitement. I rip my gaze from the two for a moment to look at the pink girl beside me, and we make eye contact. "Looks like it happened," she said.

"Yeah, yeah, let's see what happens next!" I respond, hanging on to her arm for support.

This time, Yu's wings pop out and she flies a few feet back after realizing the position she's in, her face even redder than before. Kirishima looks worried and says something to her, but before he can finish whatever he was trying to say, Yu is fluttering towards him. Once she's close enough, she swoops into his lap, drapes her arms around his neck and kisses him.

Her eyes are shut tight, and she looks awkward, but she doesn't give in. Kirishima seems shocked but soon relaxes and kisses her back. I fumble for my phone and snap a picture, just in case she wants it later.

Ashido is practically bouncing up and down. I love how she didn't even know Yu liked Kirishima, yet here she is, ready to ship them. I don't blame her, I can see why.

"MIRI- OH MY GOD DO YOU- THEY'RE-" My spying partner squeezes my hand.

"Yeah, Ashi-"


"-Mina, I can see they're kiSSING OH MY GOD." I squeeze her hand too, keyboard smashing with my voice.

Yaoyorozu chooses that moment to cannonball into the pool. Everyone else follows her. Yu tears away from Kirishima, probably hoping to not attract any attention.

What a wonderful day. Time to enjoy the rest of my weekend.




I actually wasn't planning for that to happen with Yu and Kirishima but hey, my fingers were on a roll.

miri, out! -+x

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