This again?

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Elenor POV

            I entered the house as quietly as I could so I wouldn’t wake my parents. I tiptoed through the kitchen and made it to the stairs before I heard my mom’s voice coming from the living room.


            “Yeah, mom. It’s me.” I said. “I’m going to go to bed.”

            No luck. I heard her get up from the couch and before I could run she had turned on the lights. “Where were you?” She looked at me. “And why are you wearing a boys clothes?!”

            Darn it. “After school I went to the packs house.” I told her.

            She just looked at me, her arms crossed.

            “With Dylan Wolfe.” I added. She had no response. “He’s my mate.”

            That she responded to. “Mate?! Dylan?” Again, she looked me up and down. Then she sniffed the air.

            “We went for a run and I didn’t have my clothes with me, so he lended me some. I swear nothing happened.”

            She let out a breath. “Alright, sweetie. I believe you.” She pulled me into a hug. “I’m happy for you two.” She said. “Now, can I meet him officially?”

            “Sure.” I said. “Maybe tomorrow.” I pulled away. “I’m going to go to bed.”

            “Okay, goodnight.” She flipped off the light again as I went up to my room.

            I took off Dylan’s boxers and put on my pajama pants, but kept on his shirt. It still smelt like him. I got in bed and fell asleep pretty quickly.

            When I woke up, it was pretty early, so I decided to go for a run. I stripped and shifted before jumping out of my window and running to the forest. Most of the wolf families live closer to the woods like us so we can just run right out of our house in our wolf forms.

            I was running down the path I normally do when a big black wolf jumped on me and growled.

            James, knock it off. I flipped him off me as I heard him chuckle.

            Come on El, race you back to your house!  He took off before I could answer. I rolled my eyes, but sprinted after him. I managed to pass him before we broke through the cover of the trees and I bounded through my window again. I shifted quickly and pulled a simple dress over my head. I was straightening my outfit as James jumped into my room.

            He growled and I laughed, earning a small glare before he went into my bathroom, kicking the door shut with his hind leg. “Not cool, El.” He called after shifting.

            “How was that not cool? You just got beat by a girl.” I laughed.

            The bathroom door opened and James walked out wearing a pair of jeans. He always kept some clothes here for times like this. “You asked for it.” He jumped at me and tackled me to the bed.

            I laughed again.

            “James! Come on!” He was tickling me and he knows how ticklish I am.

            “Do you surrender?” He kept tickling me, leaning close to me face.

            “I—surr—ren—der!” I choked out between laughs.

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